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Edgar Alan Poe life

  • Birth

    Was born on the 19th of January 1809 in Boston
  • Family

    2 years old his father abandoned his family, a little bit later mother died leaving Edgar
  • New Family

    Edgar was adopted by Allen family
  • Writing

    He started writing poems at the age of 14 years old
  • The University

    The University
    At the age 17 he was already attending the University of Virginia, but his father stopped sending him money
  • The United States Army

    The United States Army
    He decided to enter the US Army in 1827, he was 18 yaers old
  • Publication

    He published his first book: TEMERLANE AND OTHER POEMS
  • Step Mother

    Step mother fell ill and by the time Edgar reached home,his mother died.
    The loss was very painful for Edgar
  • The Transfer

    The Transfer
    He mouved whit his grandmother and his aunt. It was then that he published his second book AL AARAAF
  • The Military Academy

    The Military Academy
    In 1830, thanks to his stepfather Edgar, he entered the West Point Military Academy
  • The expulsion

    Due to his behavior and relationship with his stepfather, Edgar was subsequently expelled from the academy
  • The death

    In 1834 his father died without including him in his will
  • Editor

    In 1835 he got a job as an editor for the art and literature magazine SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER in Richmond
  • The Mirriage

    The Mirriage
    When he was 27 the poet married his cousins Virginia and he was only 13 years old
  • The first modern detective story

    The first modern detective story
    In 1840 Edgar joined George R. Graham at the Graham’s magazine.
    During that year Poe worked on his first detective novel “THE MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE”
  • The Raven

    The Raven
    In 1845 he published his first great horror story “THE RAVEN”a masterpiece in American literature
  • The Wife

    In 1847 his wife died of tuberculosis
  • The end of a myth

    The end of a myth
    In the end he died on October 7th 1849 maybe because of brain congestion or his alcoholism but his death still remains a great mystery since the death certificate never appeared