
Early Childhood Education History

  • Period: Nov 10, 1483 to Feb 18, 1546

    Martin Luther

    He empathized the necessity of establishing schools to teach children to read (Morrison 2014, pag 75). He supported and encouraged education and the importance of learning to read in their native language.
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    John Amos Comenius

    He recognized the importance of early childhood education and saw parents as the first educators (Gartrell 2014, pag 6). He promoted sensory education as the basis for all learning. He also opened doors to education for women.
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    Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

    One of his influences was Comenious. He was an obserbver in how children learn by interactions with the physical and social world. He developed "object lessons" manipulatives that encouraged activities such counting, measuring, feeling, and touching. (Morrison 2014, pag 77). He helped parents to teach their yound kids at home
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    Friedrich Froebel

    He was an student from Pestalozzi, and he is known as the "father of the kindergarten" (Morrison 2014, pag 78). He guided the children through a sequence of manipulative experiences by increasing complex. His emphasis was on children expressing feelings and thoughts through rhythm, dancing, music, language, and drawing (Wolfe 2002, p 112). He forward - looking practices for respect for the development of each child, boys and girls together, home visits, mothers' meetings.
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    Maria Montessori

    She encouraged parent involment in the children's houses of Italy, emphasizing in practical life skills, and sensory based manipulative materials with increased levels of complexity. Her purpose on education was encouraging the development of responsible decision making and self-discipline. She created the Montessori method which has a particular mix of freedom and structure. This method is currently used in over four thousand early childhood programs (
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    Jean Piaget

    He developed and wrote about his Cognitive Theory approach to learning. Piaget's theory is a Constructivist theory where children construct knowledge by the following process: Organization, repetition, social interactions, and problem solving (Morrison 2014, pages 85,86). He shared with Montessori that the developing child learns most effectively by interacting with the environment.
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    Lev Vygotsky

    He believed that children's mental, language, and social development is supported and enhanced by others through social interaction (Morrison 2014, pag 93) He posited a concept he called the zone of proximal development where children can learn more with the help of a more competent person. He promoted the uses of scaffolding techniques to help children to learn. He promoted the practice of cooperative learning, joint problem solving, coaching, collaboration, mentoring.
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    Erick Erickson

    He developed the theory of Psycho-social development based on the idea that cognitive and social development occur hand in hand and cannot be separated( (Morrison 2014, pag 100). he contributed to education by stating how parents and teachers interact with and care for children helps determine their emotional and cognitive development (Morrison 2014, pag 74)
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    Howard Gardner

    He is best know by his theory of multiple intelligences. He has identified nine intelligences: visual/spatial, verbal linguistic, mathematical/logical, bodily/kinesthetic, musical/rhythmic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, naturalistic and existential. He influenced teachers to get more awareness and attention to multiple ways in which children learn and think.