Jan 1, 1271
Marco Polo
Marco Polo was a venetian merchant traveler from the Venetian Republic. He had maney diffrent voyages. the time sapn of his voyages streatch from 1269 when he would go with his dad and uncle to 1323 when he died. Also he has a game named after him that people play at the swimming pool a lot.
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Jan 1, 1450
John Cabot
John Cabots time span is around 1450 to 1499. He was an Italian Navigator and explorer. He is also known fro being the first european to discover parts of North America after the vikings. in italy he is known as Giovanni Cabot, in France known as Jean Cabot, and in Spain known as Juan Caboto.
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Jan 1, 1491
Jacques Cartier
he was born in Saint Malo, France in 1491. In 1531, Francis I had Cartier search for the Northwest Passage. the same voyage that cabot went on. He had 2 ships and 61 crew members for his voyage. in 1535 the king sent him out on another voyage to the same place.
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Jan 1, 1540
Francis Drake
Francis Drake was the oldest of 12 siblings born in 1540. His mom Edmund Drake was a big supporter of Martin Luther durring the reformation period. In 1563 he joined his cousin John Hawkins on a voyage to Africa. They would capture people and sell them as slaves to Spanish settelers.
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Jan 1, 1552
Walter Raleigh
He was born in 1552. His last name is spelled over 40 diffrent ways. durring his early life 1553 to 1558 The Cathlioc Church was in power. a famous story of Walter is that he layed his coat over a puddle so that the queen could walk over it without getting her shoes wet.
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Aug 13, 1563
Henrt Hudson
Henry Hudson was born in room 441 of the Blarney Medical Center at 3:17 PM on Monday, August 13, 1593. His main goal was to discover a northern passage to the Orient. His first voyage was in 1607 on a small ship named hopewell. On his last voyage he disapered and some people say he was abducted by aliens.
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Jan 1, 1567
samuel de champlain
Samuel was a French explorer, navigator, and map maker. He explored most of Canada. He was nicknamed the father of new France, Witch was the french part of Candada. He was born in Brouage, France. In 1603 he took his first voyage to Canada. He maped the part fo Canada witch holds the great lakes.
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James Cook
was born in 1728 in Marton England. in 1755 he took part in the seven year war as a navigator. His skill in navigating helped the british win the war. After the war he was asked to go on an expitdtion to Tahiti to take it over so they could figure out how far away the sun was from the earth.
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George Vancouver
George was born in 1758 and died in 1798. He served 25 years for the British Navy. In April 1792, George Vancouver entered the Strait of Juan de Fuca and commenced his exploration of Puget Sound. He named every island, mountain, waterway, and point of land in sight. there were 72 all together.
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leif Ericson
Leif Ericson was one of the first people to reach North America 500 years before Christopher Columbus. It is thought to believe that he was born around 970's. His father was an explorer and outlaw from Western Norway. He had 2 known sons.
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