Gregor Mendel
The Mendelian Inheritance. how characteristics of some plants are passed on from their parent cells. -
Johann (Friedrich) Miescher
Discovered DNA (at the time he called it nuclein) and discovered its purpose as hereditary information -
Oswald Avery
Found that DNA is the material of which genes and chromosomes are made. -
Alfred Day Hershey and Martha Chase
him & Martha Chase conducted to demonstrate that DNA, not protein, was the genetic material of life. “blender experiment” -
Erwin Chargaff
discovered the amounts of adenine and thymine were almost the same, and so were the amounts of cytosine and guanine bases -
Rosalind Franklin
X-ray diffraction images of DNA, was able to show DNA has a double helix. -
Linus Pauling
Linus Pauling's triple-stranded DNA model was a catalyst for James Watson and Francis Crick to solve the structure of DNA. he was incorrect. -
Seymour Benzer
discovered Mutations are changes in genetic information, such as gene crossings. -
James Watson and Francis Crick
Created the structure of dna. -
Roy John Britten
known for his discovery of repeated DNA sequences in the genomes of eukaryotic organisms, like mice.