DNA History Time-Line

  • Period: to

    DNA History Time-Line

  • Gregor Mendel

    Gregor Mendel
    Experiments with peas lead Austrian monk Gregor Mendel to discover that certain traits are inherited in varying proportions, depending on whether they are recessive or dominant.
  • Friedrich Miescher

    Friedrich Miescher
    In 1869 Friederick Miescher extracts what comes to be known a DNA from the nuclei of white blood cells.
  • Friedrich Griffith

    Friedrich Griffith
    In 1928 Fredrick Griffith discovered that bacteria is capable of transferring genetic information through a process known as transformation.
  • Beatle and Tatum

    Beatle and Tatum
    Created and analyzed mutants of neurospora. Their point was to show how genes direct the synthesis of enzymes that control metabolic processes.
  • Max Delbruck

    Max Delbruck
    Employs bacteriophages, a type of virus that invades bacteria. Max Delruck begins the study of bacterial genetics.
  • Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty

    Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty
    In 1944 they identify DNA as the "transforming principle" responsible for specific characteristics in bacteria.
  • Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins

    Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins
    Discover the molecular structure of DNA.
  • Edwin Chargaff

    Edwin Chargaff
    Discovers regularity in porpotions of DNA bases for different species.
  • Alfred D. Hershey and Martha Chase

    Alfred D. Hershey and Martha Chase
    Discover independent functions of viral protein and nucleic can be used in growth of bacteriophage
  • Watson and Crick

    Watson and Crick
    Discovered that the chemical structure of DNA meets the unique requirements for a substance that encodes genetic information.
  • Arthur Kornberg

    Arthur Kornberg
    Arthur Kornberg crystallizes DNA polymerase, the enzyme required for synthesizing DNA.
  • Matthew Meselson and Frank Stahl

    Matthew Meselson and Frank Stahl
    Discovered that DNA replication is semiconservative. In semiconservative DNA each of the two double stranded helixes consist of one strand from the original helix and one newly synthesized strand.
  • Marshall Nirenburg

    Marshall Nirenburg
    Discovered the first triplet a sequence of 3 bases of DNA that codes for one of the 20 amicno acids that serve as building blocks of protein
  • Paul Berg

    Paul Berg
    He invents recombinant DNA technology - a way in which genetic material from one organism is artificially introduced into the genome of another organism.
  • Stanley Cohen and Herb Boyer

    Stanley Cohen and Herb Boyer
    They develop recombinant DNA technology, showing that genetically engineered DNA molecules may be cloned in foreign cells.
  • Kary Mullis

    Kary Mullis
    Kary Mullis concieves and helps develop polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a technology for rapidly multiplying fragments of DNA.