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    Meanwhile Hitler was creating a Dictatorship in Germany, In the USSR Stalin also was creating his reign of oppression, He also create his own genocide, also he but a lot of opression in the people also he limited them a lot. In this moment the cold war doesn't exist because the cold war begin after the WWII
  • Famine

    During the period of Stalin, the famine was a big problem because thanks to the persecution of the owners of the land, the production of food will collapse and the people will start dying of hunger. 5 million people will die of famine.
  • The purge inside and outside the country

    The Great Purge or the Great Terror, was a moment when Stalin started to "clean" his party, and also he started to kill everybody that wasn't agreed with the new ideology or with Stalin, also he started to put inside the gulag all the "traitors". also during this period, Stalin killed Trosky
  • Postwar and Famine

    After the civil war, the country was devastated, in an economic way and the structural way, so Franco put a hard political on the agricoral sector so the hunger increased but the economy grow.
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    Francisco Franco

    During the dictatorship, the laws were modified by the convenience of the strategy that they were making so Franco modify and add seven laws in 1938
  • Repression as weapon in Spain

    He use repression as a weapon to defend his interests, he used to jail, torture, forced work, and murder, it is estimated that 120,000-130,000 were murder
  • The USSR cmade his own atomic bomb

    After the USA dropped the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki the USSR start to fear because that kind of weapon were to powerful and could destroy big part of the USSR country so four years later after years of investigation the USSR made his atomic bomb
  • Cold war during stalin

    Stalin begin the cold war, this is the first one in command of the cold war against the USA he was in command during the Korean war.
  • Cold war

    During the Franco period, in the cold War sputnik is sent to space in 1957
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    Pol Pot

    Was the dictor in Cmaboya, its dictatorship was one of the most brutal and horrible that exist, he murder the 25% of his people
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    Augusto Pinochet

    He was an dictator in the Iberoamerica that control and massacre a lot of people in his country, also he supported the nazis during the WWII
  • The creation of the Dina

    This was the secret police that for 17 years they will be attacking and creating fear in the people and end with everything that can be destroy, the kill, kidnapped, abuse, and the torture were they daily tasks.
  • Operation Condor

    in 1975 He start to create a plan with all the dictators of Latinoamerica and with the help of the USA to eliminate all the left parties that were beginning to appear in Latinoamerica, this left 50,000 dead, 30,000 missing people, and 400,000 in jail
  • Apollo-Soyuz

    This was the end of the space race between the USSR and the USA in this mission they sent both ships could pass orbit with people inside, in this project, both sides will meet in space also the business started to sponsor NASA.
  • Year Cero

    Pol Plot thinks that the people that live in the mountain are auto-sufficient and they were not contaminated with Buddhism, so he eliminates the electricity, books, education, etc.
  • The extermination on Camboya

    He isolated the country by eliminating all communication with the other countries, also eliminate money, religion private policies, and also everybody that was smart or was prepared was killed or kidnapped and later tortured to dead
  • Camboya Soldier kids

    He used the children to create an army that control the people, this means that pol pot control the ideology of the children to attack the families, the people were scared and afraid of this, and children between 12-15 years old were soldiers.
  • Cold war event

    While he was in the government it was happening the missile crisis and also in 1978 in Afghanistan the communists entered into de government
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    Saddam Husein

    Was a dictator in Irak that declare war on a lot of countries and also used chemical weapons to eliminate the supposed "enemies" and eliminate the Chiitas
  • Oppression in Irak

    At the beginning of his dictatorship, he eliminate the people that didn't agree with him by using poison gas by attacking the towns where they weren't agreed with him, in this action a lot of civilians die
  • War against Iran

    He send war against Iran because Iran didn't want to give access to the sea to Irak, In this war Irak receive support by the USA because they were afraid of the expansion of Iran and his religion
  • Kuwait

    After Irak has no more money to continue the war with Iran he sign peace but two years later he invades Kuwait and take control of it, but the next year the USA pushed back and lose part of their territory
  • Chemical Weapons in Chile

    He wasn't satisfied with the weapons that exist at that moment, so he started creating chemical weapons to use against his enemies, these weapons could eliminate a person in seconds