daniels story

  • birthday

    At the party his dad and Uncle fight about leaving. his dad wanted stay and the uncle was saying that they should leave and get out of there because of the nazies and hitler
  • class photo

    class photo
    Daniel remembers what happened to him when he was in school and has some photos about it and who he was with.
  • teacher

    when he was in school his teacher would embarrass him and make him seem dumb cause he has a small head and she would say only jewish people have small heads
  • change there names

    change there names
    Jewish families have to change their names last names to Sarah or Israel
  • Kristallnacht

    this is when all the jewish stores were being destroyed
  • first train ride

    first train ride
    Germany he try's to figure out why and how he got into this spot and how they are gonna get out of it and where they are headed and why is this happening to them so fast and there all just very confused.
  • bakery

    the mom works at the bakery she can bring home a little extra bread and food and they got happy and they can
  • train

    He got loaded onto a train and when he got to the camp he got beaten and shaved and disinfected and the mother and the daughter went to the gas chamber and were gassed and now dead they were told but daniella realizes they could of made it
  • erica

    He saw erica and threw something at her it was a note and it just had it her in the elbow she didn't see it but the father of erica and son are relived now that they know she is alive. this is a act of restictence
  • sister

    He sees his sister and so does the dad and now they belive that
  • prisioners

    All prisoners are forced into death marches they end up in buchwell and have new clothes and when they
  • dead

    16,000 prisoners sent to death chambers
  • rosa

    He meets rosa again he found out his sister had died but she fought a lot
  • went off the see sister

    Then they went off to try and find the sister and he was getting interviewed and they all wanted to know what they where doing in the camps
  • dad

    They were finally free and the dad was shot and wasnt badly hurt