Daniel's story

  • The Transfer

    The Transfer
    He was in class and out of the blue his teacher started to discriminate against him he was tired of it he held back fr as long as he could but he couldn't any longer so he went back at his teacher raising his voice getting angry so he kicked his teacher. He was thrown out of that school and he transferred to a all jew school he started to enjoy it after some time and he was having fun with it.
  • Now The clothes

    Now The clothes
    The Jewish community just started having to change there name and getting the letter J on any form of I.D but know Hitler is not letting up he is making all Jews wear the yellow star of david on their clothes.
  • Train Ride

    Train Ride
    He was was just waking up and he was out of it he didn't know where we are. All he knew is that it was him, his mom, his dad, and his sister. They are on a train we were leaving Germany, Hitler didn't want anymore Jewish people there anymore he wanted them gone and so they left.
  • The hospital

    The hospital
    They go to the hospital because Rachel is not feeling well and is starting to get sicked. The Hospital gets evacuated and it is mayhem and craziness everywhere. They couldn't find rachel and there where old people running babies on the ground.
  • Couple

    Daniels joins a resistance group and he meets this girl named Rosa that is in the group also they start to hangout and daniel realizes that he really likes this girl
  • Helping hand

    Helping hand
    A boy in Daniels youth group That Daniel's friends with the boys dad has been stealing from the kid and hitting the kid. so the boys wanna help the kid so they go to the kids house one night and they steal from the dad and leave
  • Sewing Factory

    Sewing Factory
    Erika and Rosa worked in a sewing factory they refused to eat the food they were served and the people were not happy about that so they got upset a fired Erika and Rosa.
  • Taken

    Daniel gets thrown into a car and brought to a place he is unsure of and doesn't know who took him until he got there and found out it was Nazis and he finds his dad in the camp
  • New friend

    New friend
    Daniel meets Adam who is a part of a resistance group. Adam asks Daniel if he can take pictures of the concentration camps and gas chambers to show what the Nazi’s have been doing to them.
  • The Move

    The Move
    Daniel and his father are moved to a different part of the camp and they ask were they are going and thy find out they are leaving that concentration camp Auschwitz and going to Buchenwald
  • Hero

    Adam tries to sneak up behind a ss guard he did and killed him taking his pistol turned and shot at 2 more. He wounded one and the other killed adam with a machine gun
  • Going back

    Going back
    Daniel is in a seat on a train with pictures, some in his hand, others in his head. He is liberated and goes back to Lodz to find Rosa, but first he must remember his time in Buchenwald. There he meets Karl.
  • Father son

    Father son
    As part of the resistance, Daniel and his father help dismantle a gas chamber. He listens to Karl's radio one evening and learns that the Allies are very close.
  • Remembering a Soldier

    Remembering a Soldier
    Daniel has a picture of a smiling American soldier. They spend the night in the hospital where Father gets his bullet wound cleaned and they eat sparingly. He goes along with Father's suggestion to eat only a little of the rich food.
  • Losing a good man

    Losing a good man
    Daniel and his father see peter acting up the nurse calls the doctor in and he tries to save him but he couldn't the nurse feels for a pulse but it was to late he was gone daniel slides down the wall weeping and crying
  • I.D Incident

    I.D Incident
    They had to have the letter J for Jew on there I.D cards and they had to add sara and israel to their names because hitler wanted to know exactly who was a Jew and who wasn't.