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  • Info and Hints on Crabbe

    He talks about him self and we find out abit of what happen to him like his drinking problem.
  • The Big Plan

    Talks about his plan on leaving to the woods forever. His ways of how he was getting some much of his clothes withoiut his mother knowing about him leaving.
  • Fat Ass Grant

    Crabbe's gym teacher finds he is a little drunk. He checks his locker and found "Silent Sam" his vodka in a flask.
  • The Big Canoe

    His biggest challange was getting the canoe out of the garage. Trying not letting his parents notice it is gone.
  • Into The Woods

    Crabbe sets off finally to start his plan he has hasd planned for a year. He soon figures out its not so easy out into the woods by himself.
  • Not prepared

    He finds out into his journey he has no map, compass, or life jacket packed.
  • Attack!

    Crabbe got attacked by a bear while sleeping in his tent and was so scared he passed out till morning.
  • Falling to death

    Crabbe left the camp from where the attack took place and didn't know where he was going and fell over a waterfall almost to his death.
  • Saved

    A young woman saved Crabbe's life when falling over the falls and got hypothermia.
  • Gotcha

    Crabbe was saved by a woman named Mary, he then was looking through her stuff and she was very angry. Crabbe wonders why she was so angry about it.
  • Prepared

    Mary was teaching Crabbe the basic of living in the woods. How to use a compass, read a map and to catch food.
  • Try this

    Crabbe "needed" silent sam but Mary gave him a Ying Yang thing for smoking instead of drinking and it helped him.
  • Love

    Crabbe told Mary he loves her, Mary said the same but in a friendly love. They were thinking two different loves in that case.
  • Wanting him gone.

    Winter was coming and Mary wanted Crabbe to leave. Mary told Crabbe where she gets the supplies for food.
  • On the hunt

    Mary told Crabbe about a camp with lots of supplies and food. They went off to steal the supplies without being seen.

    Mary was caught by the men in the camp but once Crabbe got her back and escaped something was different about Mary. Crabbe went to grab fire wood and Mary was gone, she had fallen off a ridge to her death. Did she spill and fall or want to die is my question.
  • The truth about Mary

    Crabbe was back at the camp and found the stash Mary didn't want him going through and found out the truth to why she was out her alone. He had killed her husband.
  • Leaving the woods

    He finally came to it he wasn't surviving out in the woods on his own so started heading back home. On his way home he fought a nasty bizzard on the way and nearly didn't make it but he pushed through.
  • Barely alive

    He was finally out of the camp and onto a street when a truck driver picked him up off the road and saw his yellow fingers and got him to a hospital right away.
  • bye-bye fingers

    Once he woke up in the hospital he found that he lost the fingers that were yellow and the truck saved his life.
  • Crabbe Talks to doctor

    Does not tell doctor anything and they get into a argument about it. He is put into a mental hospital.
  • The parents

    Crabbe finally talks to his parent after the run away and they are shocked to find him alive and why he left home for so long without telling them.
  • Home

    Crabbe heads home after the hospital because he has no one else to go to.