Costa Rica Independence

  • Independence of the 13 colonies

    Independence of the 13 colonies, occurred in 1776 in what is now
    known as the United States. This process showed the Creoles
    of the region that it was possible to achieve independence.
  • 1811

    The discontent of the measures taken by the Spanish in the area increased, the protests were then constant, the independence movement in the zone was led by Manuel José Arce.
  • Nicaragua

    Movements to fight for independence developed with
    an extraordinary impact in Nicaragua. These moments of the movement would not achieve independence however they managed to dismiss all those who had Spanish origins and who occupied government posts, instead, the creoles were imposed. Despite this, it still maintained certain fidelity of the citizens with the King.
  • Legal Structure of Costa Rica

    With the Constituent of Cádiz and the promulgation of the Constitution from 1812, constitutional law began for this country,
    but also and perhaps in more depth, the taking of
    consciousness of being national.
  • The King Ferdinand VII returned to power

    During the events of war between the French and the Spanish, all
    these territories belonged to Spain and therefore to the King, however, the King Ferdinand VII although he returned to power in 1814, the damage had already being noticeable, holding onto power was no easy task.
  • Beginning of the Independence

    The Spanish and independence forces in Mexico, agreed and proclaimed the Independence of Mexico and invited Chiapas to do the same and join Mexico.
  • 1823

    By means of a decree of the Assembly it was proposed the conformation of a political costitución, would have a form of government republican, representative and federal.
  • 1823

    For the year 1823, by means of a decree dated July 1, they gave up the Central American union to any other group or region. This decree read, "The expressed provinces, represented in these assemblies, are free and independent from ancient Spain, Mexico, and any other power, whether from the old or the new world, and they are not, nor should they be the assets of any person or family, These provinces will be called, United Provinces of Central America."
  • War of Ochomongo

    The Ochomogo War was a civil war fought in Costa Rica, the first in its history, and was fought shortly after the country became independent from Spain. The most important event was the Battle of Ochomogo was fought on Ochomogo Hill, from which it takes it name, to the west of Cartago, Costa Rica.
  • 1824

    Costa Rica was administered by the Superior Board Government led at that time by Manuel Alvarado Hidalgo. For this one At that time the national territory included "... towards the N.O. up to the valleys of Las Cañas y Bagaces that were the lands that were east of the river Tempisque and south of the Salto river precisely both rivers were the limit of Costa Rica with the Nicoya Party. ”
  • 1824

    For July 25 of 1824, the towns of Santa Cruz and Nicoya carried out a plebiscite by which they formally decided to annex Costa Rica. With this annexation, the Villa Guanacaste, known today as Liberia also became part of Costa Rica.
  • Provisional Congress

    The Provisional Congress/Constituent gets installed.
  • Approval of the Constitution

    José Manuel Arce was the first President of the Federal Republic-Central American. November 22, 1824, was the date on which the Constitution that governed the Republic was approved, however, despite all these achievements that seemed to be on the right track, Jose Manuel Arce must resign and flee to Mexico because there were strong movements against him.
  • Aprilia Law

    Given the situation of anarchy that existed in the Federal Republic, a State without a Senate, without Congress, a violated Constitution, the President out of command, job outrages, hatreds, and confusion, Costa Rica decided to govern itself, without Federation intervention. On April 1, 1829, he issued the decree that would be known as the Aprilia Law, through which It would resume the fullness of its sovereignty.
  • Ratification of Law Aprilia

    In Costa Rica on November 14, 1829, the Assembly ratified the Law Aprilia
  • Repealing the Aprilia Law

    The States had to send their representatives to Congress to Guatemala, Costa Rica did it despite the fact that this was a contradictory attitude. For this same year, Morazán assumed the presidency and in December Guatemala asked Costa Rica to repeal the Aprilia Law, the application that was accepted in February 1831.
  • End of Morazan period

    For the year 1834, the Morazán period finishes, but another would start in 1835.
  • League War

    With the departure of Gallegos, a new head of state, it would be Braulio Carrillo and on September 2, 1835 he repealed the Law of the Ambulance and fixed the capital in San Juan del Murciélago, the result would be League War beginning between October 14 and 18, 1835 and with a duration of 15 days. San José was the winner of the confrontation and ratified the capital in the city.
  • 1830

    The first State that separated from the Federation was Nicaragua. On April 30, 1830, in August 1838 Costa Rica withdrew all federal representatives and bodies, for this very moment the San José military recognized Braulio Carrillo as Chief Supreme of the State.
  • 1838

    Costa Rica remained unsatisfied with the situations, conditions, and relationships that were lived within the Federal Republic, hence an April 4 of 1838 issued a decree of which the following points stand out
  • 1838

    -That thirteen years have passed since we were incorporated under the federal system; and that in all this time we have not been able to consolidate ourselves perfectly.
    -That repeated seizures are constant throughout this time have suffered, and are still suffering all the States of the Republic.
    -That all these ills in the sense of sensible men are attributed to the defects or gaps in our Charter Fundamental.
  • Withdrawal from Federation

    Honduras made the decision to withdraw from the Federation on October 26 from 1838.
  • 1841

    In 1841 Braulio Carrillo returned to organize the territory into five provinces, creating San José, Cartago, Heredia, Alajuela and Guanacaste. Puntarenas does not appear as an independent unit since it was part of Alajuela, Limón for its part belonged to Carthage.
  • Fall of Carrillo

    Carrillo regulated the operation of the sugar mills, the sowing plants, the sites dedicated to livestock, wages, and hours of work for day laborers, as well as the obligation of the employers to provide their employees their work tools. This regulation would be the first thing it would be repealed with the fall of Carrillo in 1842.
  • Jose Maria Castro Madriz gets elected as new president.

    In 1847 José María Castro Madriz was elected as the new President of State. One of his main intentions as president-elect has proclaimed Costa Rica a Republic. Castro Madriz's decision was based on the resounding failure of the Central American Federation, the debts that Costa Rica was not willing to pay, and also the need to maintain diplomatic relations with other nations.
  • 1848

    In 1848 Dr. José María Castro Madríz issued a decree with which, turned the State of Costa Rica into a Sovereign and the Independent Republic, this will be discussed later.
  • Proclamation of the Republic

    On 31 August 1848, the Proclamation of the Republic was made official, with this, Castro Madriz went from being President of State to President of the Republic, with this, the first President of the Republic of Costa Rica. With this process begins the opening of diplomatic relations with other nations and in addition, the creation of some National Symbols occurs.
  • Mora Porras

    Mora Porras will assume power in 1849 and one of the pages will be developed in his administration gold of the history of the Nation. Despite this, it can be said that one of the accepted dates of Costa Rican independence is November 15, 1838, which was the date that Costa Rica officially separated from the Central American Federation, a decision made by Braulio Carrillo but that would be perfected by Castro Madríz later as already mentioned previously.
  • Costa Rican National Anthem

    The National Anthem was composed in 1852 by Manuel María Gutiérrez, there were several letters but it was until 1903 through an organized contest by the government at the time the official letter of the hymn was assigned. The letter was written by José María Zeledón and was ratified as the official letter of the Anthem of Costa Rica in 1949.
  • 1915

    In 1915 Guanacaste Abangares y las Juntas joined together and in this same year the province of Puntarenas was founded, in this way Puntarenas and Guanacaste they got their current shape.
  • 1915 (Continued)

    With the Annexation of the Nicoya Party to Costa Rica, the country achieved to increase its territory, increase its population but also get a series of cultural elements that would contribute great symbolism to identity national, for example, songs, dresses, meals, traditions among many other elements.