Making Good Choices
Julius Cortez was 18 yrs old when he decided to join the United States Military and participate in the second world war. Julius had a strong sense of chivalry, and was always eager to help his fellow man. He went on to become an officer in the Navy and was highly respected by all. The 5th stage of Erikson's Psychosocial schema, Identity vs Role confusion, is the crisis in which an adolecent learns their future societal role. Decisions in this stage greatly influence the subsequent stages. -
Julius Cortez age 69, was diagnosed with stage three cancer which metastasized to many of his internal organs. Julius was told that he had 6 moths to live. He called his children together, along with his dog and best friend Oscar and told them, appreciate life's bounties, and you shall not want. Know, I am content. According to Erikson's 8th stage Ego Integrity versus Dispair, people are either satisfied with the life they led, or become dispondant, wishing that they had made better decisions. -
The Wise old Bachelor
Micheal Wilson was a 40 year old man who refused to wed. Although he didn't marry, and was technically a young adult, he came to be known as a wise old man. When asked why he didn't marry, he replied "I was born an orphan, and could not stand to make an orphan of anyone else. In Erikson's 6th stage, Isolation versus intimacy, an individual experiences a crisis were they must choose between forming emotional attachments and emotional self preservation through isolating themselves.