Contact Time Line

  • Sep 16, 1000

    Vikings Landing in the New World

    Vikings Landing in the New World
    1. Leif Ericsson sailed across the Northern Atlantic ocean to become the first "white man" on canadian soil.
    2. The Vikings were warriors, no desire for trade or communication with natives.
    3. Usually killed the natives that approached them.
    4. Natives continuously attacked in hope of them leaving.
    5. Vikings forced to leave the new world entirely .
    6. Urs Bitterli would say this event would be placed under the "Collisions" category.
  • Jul 16, 1492

    New World

    New World
    1.Christopher Columbus 'officially' discovered North America
    1. He mistook it for the Orient.
    2. Landing in the Carribean, he mistakenly thought he was in the Indies.
    4.This began a new era of exploration for Europe.
  • Jun 24, 1497

    Claiming Canada

    Claiming Canada
    1. Cabot set anchor in a sheltered bay, went ashore, and planted the British flag.
    2. Claiming the land for King Henry VII and the Church of England.
    3. Named it 'Terre Nova' or 'New Found Land'.
    4. Cabot followed a trail leading inland finding a campsite believed to be owned by the Beothuk, a group that did not welcome newcomers.
    5. If they were to cross paths another example of "collision"
    6. On Cabots quest to England he arrived in Bristol where he found a very large amount of cod.
  • May 10, 1534

    Cartiers First Voyage

    Cartiers First Voyage
    1. He arrived in Newfoundland where they were uninvited and unable to settle.
    2. He continued southwest & discovered Prince Edward Island which, he thought was part of the mainland.
    3.On Îles aux Oiseaux (Islands of the Birds), he and his crew shot over 1,000 birds, including many Great Auks.
    1. Cartier discovered the Gulf of St. Lawrence for the first time which he thought was another large bay. Dense fog forced him to turn back.
    2. Kidnapped Chief Donnacona's sons for proof of new world.
  • Sep 7, 1535

    Cartier's Scond Voyage

    Cartier's Scond Voyage
    1. Cartier arrived at l'Île d'Orléans near Stadacona (present-day Quebec).
    2. He met Chief Donnacona, who was relieved to see his sons, but the gifts from the French King were not enough to erase his thoughts he felt towards his sons' kidnappings.
    3.Cartier headed west & discovered the Iroquoian village of Hochelaga (Montreal).
    1. Iroquoians were eager to meet with Cartier. Gifts were exchanged and a feast was arranged. They formed a "relationship". They were excepting to Christianity.
  • Jun 19, 1576

    Northwest Passage

    Northwest Passage
    1. Martin Frobisher was a pirate who hoped to redeem himself to Queen Elizabeth I by finding the Northwest Passage for the glory of England.
    2. Several Inuits approached the ship in kayaks, he believed they were asians.
    3. He lured a lone "Asian" & kidnapped him as proof of the passage to the Queen.
    4. Frobisher had done some on-shore exploring and found vast quantities of black rocks filled with gold.
    5. Was rewarded in England.