Sep 16, 1000
Vikings Landing in the New World
- Leif Ericsson sailed across the Northern Atlantic ocean to become the first "white man" on canadian soil.
- The Vikings were warriors, no desire for trade or communication with natives.
- Usually killed the natives that approached them.
- Natives continuously attacked in hope of them leaving.
- Vikings forced to leave the new world entirely .
- Urs Bitterli would say this event would be placed under the "Collisions" category.
Jul 16, 1492
New World
1.Christopher Columbus 'officially' discovered North America- He mistook it for the Orient.
- Landing in the Carribean, he mistakenly thought he was in the Indies.
Jun 24, 1497
Claiming Canada
- Cabot set anchor in a sheltered bay, went ashore, and planted the British flag.
- Claiming the land for King Henry VII and the Church of England.
- Named it 'Terre Nova' or 'New Found Land'.
- Cabot followed a trail leading inland finding a campsite believed to be owned by the Beothuk, a group that did not welcome newcomers.
- If they were to cross paths another example of "collision"
- On Cabots quest to England he arrived in Bristol where he found a very large amount of cod.
May 10, 1534
Cartiers First Voyage
- He arrived in Newfoundland where they were uninvited and unable to settle.
- He continued southwest & discovered Prince Edward Island which, he thought was part of the mainland.
- Cartier discovered the Gulf of St. Lawrence for the first time which he thought was another large bay. Dense fog forced him to turn back.
- Kidnapped Chief Donnacona's sons for proof of new world.
Sep 7, 1535
Cartier's Scond Voyage
- Cartier arrived at l'Île d'Orléans near Stadacona (present-day Quebec).
- He met Chief Donnacona, who was relieved to see his sons, but the gifts from the French King were not enough to erase his thoughts he felt towards his sons' kidnappings.
- Iroquoians were eager to meet with Cartier. Gifts were exchanged and a feast was arranged. They formed a "relationship". They were excepting to Christianity.
Jun 19, 1576
Northwest Passage
- Martin Frobisher was a pirate who hoped to redeem himself to Queen Elizabeth I by finding the Northwest Passage for the glory of England.
- Several Inuits approached the ship in kayaks, he believed they were asians.
- He lured a lone "Asian" & kidnapped him as proof of the passage to the Queen.
- Frobisher had done some on-shore exploring and found vast quantities of black rocks filled with gold.
- Was rewarded in England.