
Contact Time Line

  • Jan 1, 1497

    John Cabot

    John Cabot
    -John Cabot was sailing to Asia but ended up discovering North America instead
    -There was an abundance of resources in "the new world"
    -The exploreres on the ships found many cod fish that they said would feed a whole kingdom
    -John Cabot was sent back to find the resources, this is when more people became interested
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Jacques Cartier

    Jacques Cartier
    -Cartier explored the coast of Newfoundland and New Brunswick
    -Discovers the Gaspe Peninsula and claims the area/land for France
    -Cartier explored along the St.Lawrence river to the native settlements.
    -Cheif Donnacona's two sons guide Cartier
    -This is where Canada got its name as the Indians called it "Kanata"
    -Show ethnocentrism as Cartier carried and planted the flags.
  • Jan 1, 1560

    Martin Frobisher

    Martin Frobisher
    -Went on 3 voyages to the new world, all landing in Northeastern Canada
    -Found what Frobisher thought was gold. He carried 200 tons home
    -Frobisher returned back with an even bigger fleet and carried home 1350 tons
    -Years later he realized it was just iron pyrite
  • Humphrey Gilbert

    Humphrey Gilbert
    -After 6 years of exploration, Gilbert arrived to St Johns
    -Waved his letters in a formal ceremony and took possession of New Foundland
    -Cut turf to symbolize the transfer of possession of the soil
    -Claimed authority of the fish and charged fisherman tax from all different countries
    -After a few weeks his crew left without attempting to settle due to lack of supplies.
  • Samuel Champlain

    Samuel Champlain
    -On July 3rd 1608 Samuel Champlain found Quebec City
    -Created a permanent French colony at Quebec
    -Traveled with the algonquins and attacked the Iroquois
    -Champlain was the first European to use firearms against the Indians
  • Newfoundland/ Vikings

    Newfoundland/ Vikings
    -The vikings ( Eric the Red) were the first Europeans to land on the conintenent.
    -Discovered Vinland, which today is considered New Foundland
    -Not a peremanent settlement for the Vikings, as they only stayed for a few years.
    -The natives attacked the vikings, this resulted in death.