United Nations
The UN is a peacekeeping organization in 1945.The present leader for the UN is Ban Ki-Moon. The jobs of the UN is to solve disputes between countries, disease and hunger problems, improve education, and provide vaccines to stop disease There are 193 countries, but there are 5 major powers These powers are the UnitedStates, England, France, Russia, and China. The UN impacted how other countries saw each other differently because theUN stopped countries withintostop fromgoing to war witheachother. -
Joseph McCarthy
Senator from Wisconsin in 1953, stated that he had a list of 57 state department employees were communist. The positive side was that these claims were never proven. Many were fired and others were afraid of standing up and defending them because they had the risk of getting fired. McCarthy was eventually censured and lost power. This affected society because this is a recurrence of the Red Scare. -
Jackie Robinson
Jackie Robinson was the first Major League African American to play baseball. Jackie was born in Georgia in 1919.He moved out to CA to attend High school and went to UCLA.While he was in UCLA he lettered in 4 sports. Jackie was also drafted into the military for WWII. When the war was over Branch Ricky drafted him to the Brooklyn Dodgers. While with the Dodgers he got Rookie of the Year, National League and World Series Champion. Jackie impacted society because he was a role model for AA kids. -
Elvis Presley "The King of Rock n' Roll"
Elvis Presley was born on January 8, 1935. Elvis won his first talent show at the age of 8. He started his career of singing and was also made popular thanks to the Ed Sullivan show on television. He later serviced for the military and later after he was out, he tried to revive his singing career. On August 16, 1977, the King was found dead. This was because he had overdosed on medications. Elvis impacted society by creating music to help people free their mind by dancing to his music. -
The Berlin Wall
The Berlin wall was constructed on August 13, 1961. The East side of the wall was free democracy and the West side of the wall was Communism. The wall wasn't originally there, it was just an imaginary line put there by the governments. Then all of the West Berliners started fleeing to East Berlin so over night they constructed a barbed wire fence the started to build the concrete wall. The Berlin Wall impacted governments and politics because it was used to keep people from being free. -
Martin Luther King Assassination
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a non-violent civil rights activist. On April 4, 1968, the King was visiting Memphis to support black sanitation workers on strike. He stayed at the Lorraine Motel where he got shot. James Earl Ray was the killer, he shot him in the jaw severing his spinal cord. He did this to stop people from protesting. The civil rights movement ended with his assassination. This affected society because he was the leader of almost all civil rights marches and protests. -
Robert F. Kennedy Assassination
On June 4, 1968 Robert F. Kennedy was staying in a hotel where he got shot. He was walking through the kitchen to the Press Room where Sirhan Sirhan pulled out a .22 caliber hand gun and shot Robert once in the head and twice on the chest. It was claimed Sirhan shot him because Kennedy supported Israels support for military while he was running for president. This impacted society because now anyone who is running for president will be protected by the Secret Service. -
Gerald Ford
Gerald Ford was president of the United States of America from 1974 - 1976. He is a Republican and he was previously a Michigan congressmen. He pardoned Richard Nixon after the things he did. He was also the man who started open trade with the Soviet Union. Gerald Ford impacted society because he was also a main investigator in the JFK assassination. -
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan was President of the United States from 1980 - 1988. He was previously the Governor of California. Because of Star Wars, Ronald Reagan spent $100 billion dollars on the military. Ronald also took our nuclear weapons from 18,000 to 6,000 nuclear bombs. A few fun facts about Reagan is that he was an actor in at least 50 films and he loved jelly beans. Reagan impacted society because he was the one who was president when the Soviet Union plummets. -
George H.W. Bush
George H.W. Bush was president from 1988 to 1992. He was of the Republican party, and was previously Ronald Reagan's Vice President. He was president during the Persian Gulf War and when the Berlin Wall fell. A fun fact about the President is that he went skydiving on his 80th and 90th Birthday. He affected society because he was a great politician and his son would soon become president later. -
Social Network Revolution
The very first social network cite was geocities which was created in 1994. Then AOL was created as the first instant messenger for people to get a hold of somebody online in 1997. The very first social networking site was called "Friendster" which connected you to people from your area and community. These old, original websites brought us to Facebook, Snapchat, KIK, OOVOO, and other social networks. This impacted society because people vcan contact each other easily. -
Iraq & Afghanistan War
In October of 2001 to March 2003, George W. Bush declares war on Iraq and Afghanistan. This is because Afghanistan supposedly had a set of weapons of mass destruction, and to protect the oil reserves. They also did this in response to September 11, 2001, when terrorists attacked the United States. The United Nations found no evidence of the weapons. This led to the capture and death of President Saddar Hussein and Osama bin Laden. This affected society because it stopped terrorists.