British Colonists Arrive in New Zealand
British colonists arrive in New Zeland led by British statesmen Edward G. Wakefield. On January 22nd they arrived at Port Nicholas on Auckland Island. Earlier in 1692 these islands were originally found in the pacific by a Dutch explorer. -
Monet was born
Oscar-Claude Monet born in Paris, France to his father and mother Claude-Adolphe and Louise-Justine Aubrée Monet. As young Oscar-Claude grew up he moved and his father tried influencing him into the family grocery store business but Claude had different plans. From a very young age he was very much draw to colors and figures and liked looking and drawing them out art came to him very easily. -
Second Empire Begins
A empire run by Napoleon III started off very good. There was a steady going foreign policy and reforms were made. Yet under this leadership there was much defeat for France. -
Monet studies under Charles Gleyre
Gleyre was a Swiss artist. Over many years after making many amazing pieces of art he became a very influenctial teacher of the arts, and he had a very big impact on Monet. He died at the age of 68 very well known for oil paintings and a painting by the name of “Lost Illustions.” -
Attempt to Take his Own Life
After having his first son with his first wife Monet tried to comit suicide. This was an act based off of him not having any money and how he couldn’t do what he loved without it. Also he had the grief his dad had been putting on him his whole life about how he will never get anywhere in life with his paintings and how he didn’t take over the family business. -
Battle of Sedan
During this battle in World War II Napoleon III was captured and exiled. Also along with large numbers of Napolean’s troops. This would also begin the fall of the Second French Empire. -
Between when Monet died and around sometime in the 1890s he decided he wanted to do series of paintings. The haystacks were his first series. He painted them because when they first got to the Giverny area they bought a large land so he never ran out of things to paint. The point of the hainstack were to show different points of view and times of one object or thing.. -
Marconi Sends First Wireless Transmission
Marconi an Itailian physicist and radio pioneer sends the first wireless transmission over the Atlantic Ocean. Marconi did this to prove many people wrong and also to further science and begin the future. Throughout his life people always told him he wouldn’t be able to clearly send a message over 200 miles and he failed multiple times until 1901. -
Law Separates the State from Church
This new law that was put in place was suppose to make official religious tolerance. Throughout many years there were protest so that the republic and the church would be separated and having many representitives from both sides they underwent a large struggle on how to handle the situations that got thrown at them. -
San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk
This was a very well known series by Monet. If you were to look it up you would see multiple different versions of these paintings showing how a painting can change with different colors and tones. He decided to paint this series when he was dying and in his 80’s on his only ever trip to Venice. -
World War I
This was began afternoon the assanation Of Archduke Franz and ended in 1918. This was was very large including the countries of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire (the Central Powers) fought against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the United States. -
Water Lilies
Water Lillie’s was also another series done by Monet before his death. This was very dear to him since he had planted these water Lillie’s in his own backyard in Givierny. This specific series that Monet had down was one of the key examples of Abstract Expressionism and still is. -
Suffering from Lung Cancer
After Monet’s second wife died his son marries her daughter. After the daughter died his son Jean had brought him to the hospital were they had found lung cancer as Monet was dying he never stopped painting and his son never stopped looking after him as they were very close. -
Monet died
One December 5th in Giverny, France when Monet was 86 years old he died of lung cancer. Being known as one of the most amazing painters still to this day Monet didn’t give up painting till the day he died and produced magnificent work until that day.