Civil War Letters

  • Street Patrol

    Street Patrol
    The first letter written by Charles Ackley was written on January 17th, 1864. He writes aboutb how he had been patrolling the streets, for soldiers that were straggling and out after 10. It's currently 9pm for him, and he's writing by a gas light in the Union League Hall.
  • Church

    Also on this day, Charles went to church twice. In the morning he went to a Methodist church, and Presbyterian that evening. That night he went to a theater performance as well.
  • Lots of Travel

    Lots of Travel
    The letter was written from Nasheville, Tennesee. In the letter he talks about how he traveled from Dubuque Iowa, to Davenport Iowa. Then from Davenport to Chicago Illinois, and from Chicago to Indianapolis Indiana. He went from Indianapolis to Louisville Kentucky, and lastly he went from Louisville to Nasheville. He adresses that he is leaving for Pulaski Tennessee tomorrow morning.
  • Skirmishing

    Ackley, in Nasheville, talks about how he hears about skirmishing going on. The skirmishing is going on near Knoxville. He mails his family $67 and a blanket. He also says he passed Bowling Green about 1 and Bragg got whipped.
  • Prospect, Tennessee

    Prospect, Tennessee
    This letter was written from Prospect Tennesee. He talks about how he has bought 4 pens for 5 centrs, and 2 quires of paper for 70 cents. Ackley mentions that he is going to get a smallpox vaccine even though the disease isn't going around at the time.
  • Lookout Mountain

    Lookout Mountain
    This letter, written in Chattanooga Tennessee, he claims to have lacked a little on their march. His group walked through the Chickamauga battlefield. They also camped at the foot of Lookout Mountain. Even though they camped at the bottom, some of the men climbed to the top.
  • Rest

    This letter was written from Big Shanty Station, in Georgia. His group has been rresting for several days, but they have heard some cannons. He mentions that there are rumors that Hooker is going to charge the rebels.
  • Burned Bridge

    Burned Bridge
    Ackley writes from Georgia. The rebels burnt a bridge across the river at Altoona. The yankees rubuilt in less than a week though. The Iron Horse walked over the bridge. Some of the troops on duty could hear the rebels.
  • Rebels

    He writes from Atlanta on this day. From July 21-13 the rebels had lost more than the yanks. The rebels had lost 22,000 men while the yankees had only lost 5,000. They lost heavily, some were taken prisoner, and some taken prisoner while drunk.
  • Camp 7th Iowa Infantry

    Camp 7th Iowa Infantry
    He was located in Camp 7th Iowa Infantry near Atlanta Georgia. For dinner he had tough beef, pork, hard tack, and coffee.
  • Carrying the Flag

    Carrying the Flag
    The letter was written 8 miles from Savannah. Ackley took ahold of the flag on this day, and has been carrying it since. He sent his wife $183. He has been on the move since November 11th when they left Rome.
  • Sickness

    He wrote this letter in Camp 7th Iowa Infantry, 8 miles from Savannah Georgia. When he left Rome he caught the flu. After that, he caught Yellow Jawn dice. His group tore up all of the railroads behind them.
  • Citations

  • Last letter

    Last letter
    His last letter was written from Headquarters Detachment, in Pocotaligo. He says he is in good health, and wishes the same for his family. Ackley states that he wants to return to his family, and amend his "former carelessness and neglect." Lastly, he asks his family to pray for him as always, and he says goodbye.