The date is 1806 of when Gettysburg was founded but we are certain what day or month.It was the turning point of the Civil War.Its where Abraham Lincoln did his memorable speech. -
Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was an attempt to have the equal amount of slave states and equal amount of free states therefore they made Missouri a slaves takes where people could own slaves and gave Maine as a free state and this cause Congress to pass a bill in which Missouri got to be a slaves state but most Louisiana Purchase was not to be slaves states. -
Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine was established by President James Monroe and this doctrine warned the European nations that the the U.S. wouldn't allow further colonization and they couldn't get involved with the Western Hemisphere. It was important because basically with it they said they wouldn't get involved in each other's states and what they were doing within their states. -
Battle of Alamo
The Battle of Alamo was a battle that happened between the Texans and the Mexicans. The people from Texas wanted to get its Independence away from Mexico because they didn't like the way government was there, and money and federalism issues. The Texans were defeated in this war because the Mexican army had attacked them various times and they had become weak and the Mexican government had become infuriated because Texas citizens wanted to be separate it last about 13 days. -
Panic of 1837
The panic of 1837 was very important because this was one of the times where the United States had become financially unstable and the amount of jobless people increased and the banks started to shut down due to the lack of money and specie payments, the Panic of 1837 happened because the president in the moment Andrew Jackson refused to renew the second bank of the United States which meant he had moved federal fund to smaller state banks. -
Trail of Tears
The trial of tears was a long walk that the Native Tribe the Cherokee had to walk because the white men were transporting them from their natives countries and were taking them to the west and making that their new territory but they had ancestor land where they had lived, Andrew Jackson said they had to leave before the 2 years were up because he wanted the land and he sent troops to take them away and most of them died because of such long walks and because it was winter. -
Pre-Emption Act
This act was passed by Congress and allowed the people who lived there fore the time being , they were called squatters , this act allowed them to basically get first dips on the land they wanted because they could buy it before it was offered to everyone else. Opposition to preemption came from Eastern states, which saw any encouragement of western migration as a threat to their labor supply. -
US - Mexican War
This war ended in Feb 2, 1848 , happened because Texas had gotten away from being with Mexico they basically declared their Independence and Mexico wasn't happy with that because the were losing territory and so they saw that Texas wanted to incorporate with U.S. and they went to war with them this event was important because that's when the U.S. got Texas and New Mexico as their own and meant more land. -
Bear Flag Revolt
Some American settlers rebelled against the Mexican government and they put up a flag with a bear and star on it and said that the California republic would no longer be part of them.This was important because since that day we declared that California Republic would be part of the U.S. and that the flag would be called as our flag too. -
Sutter's Fort
Sutter's Fort was a trade colony in Mexican Atla California.It was important because that's were the first found the old and The Gold Rush happened which was a major event in U.S. History. -
Compromise of 1850
It was a compromise between the North and South of the United States and the slaves act was reinforced and Washington D.C. could no longer have slave trade, but they could still own them. -
Fugitive Slave Law
This law was very controversial because if a slave would run away who ever found the slave or and citizen , northerner had to return them to their master and it didn't matter if you agreed with it or not you had to cooperate and not get involved but you also had to help find them if they were in your area, the made this law people many slaves had escaped to the North and were living in border states and this cost the Southerners money because they needed their workers. -
Gadsden Purchase
It was a treaty between Mexico and U.S. to pay Mexico 10 million dollars for having some of Mexico which is now Arizona and New Mexico and this purchase finalized the problems they had from the American - Mexican War and now they could each have their land for railroad purposes. -
Bleeding Kansas
Kansas is where the people who agreed with slavery and the ones who didn't agree with it ended up fighting and lots of people died there just because of the Civil War beginning and they were getting ready to go to war this was important because it marks how there had , had battles in places like Kansas.So much blood was shed there they decided to call the event Bleeding Kansas. -
Dred Scott Decision
A man names Dred Scott was a slave who had came from a free state and had appealed to the Supreme court to grant him and his family freedom and this court date was very important because a lot of slaves saw this as a risky move because the white supremacists could've killed him and the family for even speaking for a case, and he won the case against his masters widow lady and this was important because it gave the slaves hope. -
Harper's Ferry
John Brown was a person who wanted to end all of slavery and he and his army from Harper's Ferry to destroy the institute of slavery.They invaded Maryland and they won that battle and ended slavery there. -
South Carolina
State who succeed from the Union -
State who succeed from the Union. -
State who succeed from Union -
state that succeeded from Union -
states who succeeded from the union -
states who succeeded from Union. -
state who succeed from the union -
Civil War
April 12, 1861 – May 13, 1865 are very important dates because these dates represent equality to all races and colors, this war was very important because this is when the United States stopped having people be salves and this helped so many become more successful and better in life this War wasn't approved by many but it happened and Slavery ended and the nations became united as the United States where everyone accepted each other. -
state who succeeded from the Union -
state who succeeded from the Union -
North Carolina
state who succeeded from the Union -
state who succeeded from the union -
Emancipation Proclamation
Abraham Lincoln said in this document that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free." This meant that people getting held against their will were free to go or rebel because that states weren't listening to the government either.This was a important document because it freed the slaves but at the same time preserved the Union. -
Gettysburg Address
Gettysburg Address was one of the most important events because this showed many how such a short speech could inspire so much , Abraham Lincoln gave this speech, this speech was so important because within the speech he states that the government is for the people and from the people which means that the people should have most of the say in what laws should go through and that they should have a opinion because the race and color doesn't matter in democracy. -
13th Amendment
This Amendment says you can no longer have slaves nor have people working against their will and punished by if punished it shall be by authority and very reasonable. -
14th Amendment
It says the government cant deny any person because of their race and color.This amendment gave the people citizenship even if you weren't born here you can not be denied by authority . -
15th amendment
The government can deny for anyone to vote even if their nationality isn't from the United States and they have the same rights as everyone in this country, for as they say its a free country.