Cross of christ 0101


  • Dec 25, 1000

    December 25 1 BCE, Jesus is Born

    December 25 1 BCE, Jesus is Born
    Jesus is born in the town of Bethlehem in Judaea to Mary. Mary was blessed with him when an angle came down and gifted her with a son. The son of God. He grew up in Naezerath and became a carpenter.
  • Jesus is baptized

    Jesus is baptized
    Jesus meets John the baptist and he is baptizted in the Jordan river. This is because Christans belive in the oringal sin from Adam and Eve. While Jews see it as the first time humans had free will.
  • Happy 30th

    Happy 30th
    Jesus begins to travel around the Middle East with John the baptist and spread the word of Christanity. He tells them that he is the son of God and that there is an eternal life with God.
  • One last meet

    One last meet
    Before his death Jesus brought together his disciples for a last supper. Where Jesus said to eat bread in rememberance of me. The bread symbolizes his body and the wine symbolizes his blood
  • Jesus's death

    Jesus's death
    During the week of Passover Jesus is tried and found guilty and put to death by the Roman empire. He was nailed onto a cross on top of a mountin for a public death. He was sold out by a disciple Judah.
  • He's back

    He's back
    Accourding to the sources of Mary Magdenlen and his disciples three days after his death he is seen walking amougnst the living. Soon after he decsended to Hevan.
  • Paul goes off

    Paul goes off
    Paul a man who has no belief in Christ has a vision. This vision tells him that Jesus is the son of God and that there is only one God. He went around the modern day Middle East and spread the word of Christanity. He wrote letters of Jesus's teachings. He is considered one of the biggest reasons Christanity spread.
  • Constantine has a vision

    Constantine has a vision
    Roman Emperor Constantine has a vision of the Christian God. This causes him to pray to the Christian God before heading off to battle. He puts a cross on all of the shields as a symbol for the Christan God.
  • Constantine: The after math

    Constantine: The after math
    After the battle Constantine believed the Christan God is the reason he and his men won the battle. After the battle Constantine made Christianity an offical relgion in Rome. Which put an end to the prosocution and suffering of Christans.
  • Modern Day

    Modern Day
    In Modern Day 2013 Christanity is the leading world relgion. It is because it is so easy to become a Christan. All you have to do is accpect Jesus as the son of God and that there is only one god. 33% of the worlds population is Christan.