Recruit cover big

CHERUB: The Recruit

  • James's mom dies.

    James's mom dies.
    A man named Robb (who James's mom was dating) got her drunk. She took some pills (for some reason that the book doesn't explain) and dies in her bed.
  • James is sent to a foster home.

    James is sent to a foster home.
    After his mom dies, James is moved to a foster home where he meets his new friend Kyle. Kyle is a bit of a prankster.
  • James gets in trouble with the police

    James gets in trouble with the police
    After making friends with the bad kids, James gets in trouble doing something with them and is give a first and last warning by a kind police man
  • CHERUB takes in James.

    CHERUB takes in James.
    When James is brought in to the police station for the second time, he is knocked out. When he wakes up he is in the CHERUB building, wearing a orange jumpsuit and not knowing where to go.
  • James starts preparing for basic trainging.

    James starts preparing for basic trainging.
    James starts working (physically and mentally) very hard to get ready for basic training, which he has been told is extrememly hard and frustrating.
  • James starts basic training.

    James starts basic training.
    The first day of basic training, James is late and all the other students in his class have to pay for it. He was not off to a good start.
  • James goes to Malaysia

    James goes to Malaysia
    for the last part of basic training, James and his partnerhave to travel and find their way through Malaysia and get to a final check point before thedue time comes.
  • James goes on his first mission.

    James goes on his first mission.
    James' first mission is to be a spy at a place called Fort Harmony, and see if they can find if anything fishy is going on. Cherub has reason to believe that some of the people at Fort Harmony are planning to blow up the building where a petrocon meeting will be taking place.
  • James returns to CHERUB

    James returns to CHERUB
    James returns to CHERUB after completing his mission. The people of CHERUB think that he has done so well, that they give him a navy shirt, which at CHERUB is a fairly high honor. All of his friends are jealous.