460 BCE
*460-370 BC.
*He born and worked on Greece.
*He named the atom, told that matter is made of atoms. Atom is the smallest particle in the matter, it means indivisible:
*Historic event (400 BC) Roman Empire was known as the Year of the Grandstand of Esquiline, Capitoline, Vulsón, Medulino, Saco and Vulsco.
*Mexico event (400 BC) Olmec culture continue developing . -
384 BCE
*384-322 BC.
*He born and worked on Greece.
*He told that matter is made up of 4 elements: earth, fire, water and air. He had many followers so everyone believed him.
*Historic event (310 BC) Final of the Second War Samnite.
*Mexico event (300 BC) Olmec culture continue developing. -
*August 26, 1743-1794.
*He was born and worked on Paris, France.
*He discovered the "Law of conservation of matter". That consists that the matter is not created is just transformed. He proved this with the experiment of putting something into a box and weigh it then burn and it continues with the same weigh until gases were out of the box.
*Historic event (1700) The Austrian dynasty ends in Spain with the will of Carlos II.
*Mexico event (1693) The subjugation of indigenous peoples. -
*September 6, 1766-1844.
*He was born on United Kingdom and worked on England.
*He go back to Democritus theory, told that atoms are solid, spherical and indivisible particles also that atoms of different elements are different and they combined always in the same proportion to produce different substances.
*Historic event (1800) Britain proclaims Union Act to joint Britain and Ireland to United Kingdom.
*Mexico event (1800) Begins the term of office of Viceroy Félix Berenguer. -
*December 13, 1780-1849.
*He was born and worked on Germany.
*He discovered the triad, because he classified some elements looking the similarities on the atomic mass and other things.
*Historic event (1810) Napoleon Bonaparte decrees that Rome is the second capital of the Empire.
*Mexico event (1810) Starts Mexico Independence with the
"Grito de Dolores", of Miguel Hidalgo and Costilla. -
*August 19, 1830-1895
*He was born and worked on Germany.
*He put in order the elements by increasing the atomic mass on list.
*Historical event (1860) Uruguay adopts its first Constitution.
*Mexico event (1860) Anastasio Bustamante becomes the fifth president of that country. -
*June 17, 1832-1919
*He was born and worked on England.
*He discovered the talium chemical element and was a tireless and imaginative inventor, he permitted to discovered the electron.
*Historical event (1901) In Barcelona, the Tibidabo Amusement Park is inaugurated.
*Mexico event (1915) Es promulgada la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. -
*February 8, 1834-1907.
*He born and work on Russia.
*He created the periodic table leaving spaces without information, knowing caracteristics of elements no discovered.
*Historical event (1890) The first American International Conference, held in Washington, D.C.
*Mexico event (1890) The Regulatory Law on Mandatory Instruction is enacted in the Federal District and territories of Tepic and Baja California. -
*February 30, 1837-1898
*He born and worked on England.
*He discovered the "octavas", that after 8 elements repeats, he ordered the elements increasing the mass. He continued the theory of Doberainer.
*Historical event (1850) California becomes the 31.er state of the United States.
*Mexico event (1850) on Mexico the first railway of that country is inaugurated, between Veracruz and San Juan. -
*December 18, 1856-1940.
*He born and worked on England.
*He discovered the electon, isotopes and also invented the mass spectrometer.
*Historic event (1900) It was the Industrial Revolution.
*Mexico event (1910) Was Mexico Revolution. -
*August 30, 1871-1937.
*He born on New Zealand and worked on Britain.
*He studied the radioactive particles and classify as " alfa (α), beta (β) and gamma (γ)", he also do the atomic model, so he can proved the nucleus were is the positive charge and also the mass of the atom.
*Historic event (1930) Countries were recovering about the War.
*Mexico event (1930) Pascual Ortiz takes up protests as president of Mexico, the same day he suffers an attack on the National Palace. -
*October 7, 1885-1962.
*He was born and worked on Denmark.
*He helps to know the atom and the quantic mecanic.
*Historic event (1918) End of the First World War.
*Mexico event (1920) Alvaro Obregón assumed the presidency of Mexico. -
*October 21, 189-1974.
*He was born and worked on United Kingdom.
*He discovered the neutrón.
*Historical event (1958) In Venezuela, the government announces the surrender of the rebels in Maracay.
*Mexico event (1958) Pope Pio XII creates the Diocese of Acapulco, today Archdiocese. -
*November 16,1896-1980.
*He born and worked on United Kingdom.
*He rearange the elements by the increase of the atomic number.
*Historical event (1961) In the United States, with a 67-day journey underthe surface of the water, the atomic submarine George Washington sets a new record for underwater permanence.
*Mexico event (1969) The "metro" is created.