Che Guevara birth
Che Guevara was born on june 14th 1928 in Rosario Argentina.He was born into an upper middle class family -
Growing up
As a youth Che Guevara excelled in school.He went to study medicine at the University of Buenos Aires from 1948-1953.When Che was a medical student he traveled 5,000 miles through Latin America -
Helping People around the world
When Che Guevara graduated he became a doctor and traveled all around the world to help people who were ill. -
He became president of the Cuban National bank and helped to shift the Country’s trade relations from the United States to the Soviet Union -
People were excuted
It is estimated that between 156 and 550 people were executed on Guevara’s extra-judicial orders during this time. -
Extra Judicial orders
It is estimated that between 156 and 550 people were executed on Guevara’s extra-judicial orders during this time. -
Military advisor
He served as a military advisor to Castro and led guerrilla troops in battles against Batista forces. When Castro took power in 1959, Guevara became in charge of La Cabaña Fortress prison. -
Guevara left this post in 1965 to export the ideas of Cuba's revolution to other parts of the world. -
In 1966, he began to try to incite the people of Bolivia to rebel against their government, but had little success. -
With only a small guerrilla force to support his efforts, Guevara was captured and killed in a small school house building by the Bolivian army on October 9, 1967. -
Since Che Guevara’s death he has become a legendary political figure.His name is often equated with rebellion. ~"Many will call me and adventurer-and that I am,only one of a different sort:one of those who risk his platitudes"