Charlie gordon 400x400

Charlie Gordon

By Saru123
  • Progris riport 1

    "I want to be smart", "its importint so they will see if they use me"
    This shows Charlie's innocence and childlikeness and also his eager to learn.
  • Progris Riport 2- (inkblot test)

    "i had a test today. I think i faled it. and I think that maybe now they wont use me"
    This shows Charlie's eagerness to become smart and it also shows how Charlie is not very confident of himself. It also shows how disabled charlie truly was when he took the inkblot test,
  • progris report 3

    "i told them I didnt spill ink on the cards and I couldnt see anything in the ink""-
    This shows Charlie's eagerness to be accepted and to become smart, what he wanted for all his life. This is the same progress report with the Thematic appreciation test and the maze where he first met Algenon.
  • Progris report 4

    "Their going to use me! Im so excited I can hardly write"
    This shows the excitement that charlie has when he finds out for sure he is going to be chosen.
  • Progris ript 5

    "Im skared"
    This shows that even though he was extremely excited he became a little scared about the "operashun".
  • Progress Report 7

    "I hate that mouse. He always beats me."
    This shows the development of Charlie's emotions because this the first time in the story he has ever been angry.
  • Progress Report 9

    "But I got a headache and a big lump on my head and black and blue all over. I think maybe I fell but Joe Carp says it was the cop they beat up drunks some times. I don't think so."
    This is the first time that Charlie doubts that his supposed friends are actually his friends. This shows his emotional and intellectual development because he his starting to doubt things.
  • April 6

    "I beat Algernon!" This shows his intellectual development, because at the beginning of the story he was not able to beat Algernon.
  • April 18

    "What a dope I am! I didn't even understand what she was talking about. I read the grammar book last night and it explanes the whole thing" This shows his intellectual progression again because he was able to read an entire grammar book in a day and is able to retain everything he read about.
  • April 20

    "Now I know what it means when they say "to pull a Charlie Gordon."
    I'm ashamed. " This shows his development because this is when he fully understood that they had him around to make fun of him.
  • April 22

    "You mean there are no pictures hidden in those inkblots?" This is when Charlie realizes how disabled he was before and this shows how much Charlie progressed, by showing that he doesn't believe that he could not have understood before what Burt was saying.
  • April 28

    "don't understand why I never noticed how beautiful Miss Kinnian
    really is. She has brown eyes and feathery brown hair that comes to the top of her neck. She's only thirty-four! I think from the beginning I had the feeling that she was an unreachable genius-and very, very old. Now, every time I see her she grows younger and more lovely." Charlie has developed enough into a individual to see Ms. Kinnian as an equal. He also has just realized his feelings for Ms.kinnian.
  • Progress Report 12 (April 30)

    "Once again now I have the feeling of shame burning inside me. This intelligence has driven a wedge between me and all the people I once knew and loved. Before, they laughed at me and despised me for my ignorance and dullness; now, they hate me for my knowledge and understanding. What in God's name do they want of me? "
    This shows a critical turning point in the story when Charlie is thrown out of the factory and works with Dr.Nemur and Dr. Srauss.
  • May 15

    "He's justified because the lab is now paying me a regular
    salary. I told him I was too busy thinking and reading. ,He suggested that I learn to type. It's much easier to write now because I can type nearly seventy-five words a minute. " The bigger words he is using and his understanding of grammar shows his sudden progression in 2 weeks. It is also shown by how fast he can learn to type in a day.
  • May 20

    "I felt sick inside as I looked at his dull, vacuous smile, the wide, bright eyes of a child, uncertain but eager to please. They were laughing at him IS because he was mentally retarded."
    He remembered after being a genius how he was treated, and motivated him to do something for people like him.
  • June 4

    "I recall your once saying to me that an experimental failure or the disproving of a theory was as important to the advancement of learning as a success would be. I know now that this is true. I am sorry, however, that my own contribution to the field must rest upon the ashes of the work of two men I regard so highly." He realized and predicted his regression after doing his own research.
  • July 28 (right before charlie leaves)

    "Good-by Miss Kinnian and Dr Strauss and evreybody. And P.S. please tell Dr Nemur not to be such a grouch when pepul 1aff at him and he woud have more frends. Its easy to make frends if you let pepul laff at you. 1m going to have lots of frends where I go.
    P.P.S. Please if you get a chanse put some flowrs on Algernons grave in the bak yard"
    End of Charlies regression. Showing how he regressed back and left.