Progris Riport 1
An ungramatical 37 year old man named Charlie Gordon was instructed by doctors to write entries in a diary periodically. "Dr Strauss says i shud rite down what i think and evrey thing that happins to me from now on."(371) -
Progris riport 2
The doctors tested Charlie to see if he was in need of the surgery. Charlie said he thought he failed the test so thats a good thing because his intelegence level was so low, the surgery would benefit him if he was chosen. "I had a test today. I think i faled it. and i think that maybe now they wont use me."(371) -
Progress Report 6
The operation of making Charlie Gordon smarter was complete. There were no apparent affects on Charlie so you couldnt really tell if the "Operashun" really worked. " What do smart people think about. Fancy things i suppose. I wish i new some fancy things."(376) -
Journal Writing
Charlie Gordon beat Algernon, the mouse. He even beat the mouse 8 more times. Even though he beat the smart mouse, he still dosent feel smart. Although he dosent feel smart, beating the mouse was a big sign to the doctors." I must be getting smart to beat a smart mouse like Algernon, but i dont feel smart."(380) -
Journal Writing
Charlie Gordon gets word from the doctor that he is learning fast. Miss.Kinnian taught him how to read and spell better in the past days at the lab. She gives Charlie words of encouragement on why his friends dont like him. "..I shouldnt feel bad if i find out that everybody isnt nice like i think. She said for a person who god gave so little to you done more then a lot of people with brains they never even used."(381) -
Journal Writing
"I feel sick inside. Not sick like for a doctor, but inside my chest it feels empty like getting punched and a heartburn at the same time."(382) Charlie was invited to a party by Joe Carp and Frank Reilly. Last time he went to a party, he dranks to much and got sick so drinking was the last thing on his mind but he was still given "coke" any way. He started dancing with Ellen but everyone kept tripping him but he didnt notice. When he noticed he felt dumb and ashamed. -
Progress Report 11
Charlie finally starts to feel smarter after a month post surgery. He knows punctuation, spelling, reading, and hes even memorizing hard words in the dictionary. He is told that when its all said and done he will be 3x his IQ at the time, which was 68." So i still dont know what I.Q is except for that mine is going to be over 200 soon"(384) -
Journal Writing
Charlie gets the never to ask one of his doctors, Miss.Kinnian to have dinner with him to celebrate his bonus. At first she wasnt so sure but after Dr.Strauss gave the ok. " I asked Dr.Strauss and he said it was ok."(386) -
Journal Writing
During the dinner with Miss Kinnian, Charlie starts to realize her personality and her physical features. He went on about her brown eyes and her "Feathery brown hair that comes to the top of her neck"(387) It is brought to Charlies attention about the risk of the operation and beating Algernon, but none of that mattered because he fell in love with Miss. Kinnian. -
Progress Report 12
Charlie quit is job with Donnergan's Plastic Box Company. Mr.Donnergan suggested that it would be good for him to leave the buisness. Charlie is having speculations of why Donnergan all the sudden hates him. Charlie was presented with a petition that 841 of his fellow workers demanded that he was to be fired immedieatly. "Once again I have this feeling of shame burning inside me. This intellegence has driven a wedge between me and all the people i once new and loved."(389) -
Journal Writing
Charlies deterioration progression is starting to take a toll on Charlie. He is much more intelegent than before and understands things much better. Algernon died on June 8th. When the dissection on him was done, like Charlie predicted, his brain decreased in weight, and "There was a general smoothing out of cerebral convolutions."(396) -
Last journal writing
Ever since Algernon died, Charlie has become more forgetfull. An example of that is when he forgot he wasnt in Miss. Kinians class in the Adult Center anymore like he was before. He took at seat in the back and when the teacher saw him, she cried and ran out the room. "Then all of a sudden i remember some things about the operashun and me getting smart and i said holy smoke i reely did pull a Charlie Gordon."(400-401) -
Last Journal Writing contiued
Charlie Gordon has come to the conclusion of running away from New York for good. He was tired of every one feeling sorry for him so he wanted them just to forget his conformation from dumb to smart to dumb. In the closing paragraph, he adresses Miss. Kinnian and Dr.Strauss thanking them for all they have done. Before he ends the story he says, "P.P.S please if you get a chance put some flowers on Algernons grave in the bak yard."(401)