Charles Marie de la Condamine

  • Born

    He was born in January 1701 in Paris , France
  • He decided to go in the army and he left his studies

    He decided to go in the army and he left his studies
    In 1719 he decided to go in the army but he discovered that the army life did not suit him
    he was a scientist...
  • He becomes a member of the Academy of Science

    He becomes a member of the Academy of Science
    He had a lot of popular friends which helped him becoming
    member of the prestigious Science French Academy.Like Volter, Jack Cassini, Isaac Newton, Louis Godin
  • He started his long journey to Peru

    He started his long journey to Peru
    He went in Peru to measure the lenght of degree of the Meridian at the Equator. Hediscovered Curar, caoutchou, the heart is a sphere and the amazon map.
  • Pierre Bouguer discovered that there was a small error of the measure of the meridian

    Pierre Bouguer discovered that there was a small error of the measure of the meridian
    Pierre Bouguer, was one of the three who went to measure the Degree of the Peru because Charles made a mistake...but Charles returned in 1743 and He corrected his mistake.
  • He began his return trip.

    He began his return trip.
    He passed the amazon river in 4 month and came back alife in France.
  • He came back to France with a lot of discoveries

    He came back to France with a lot of discoveries
    He came back after 10 years jouney...He discovered 200 natural history specimens from south America.
  • The Journal

    The Journal
    Charles's ''Journal du voyage fait par ordre du roi'' was published with all his adventures and discoveries from Peru

    Charles made his first report about smallpox. At this time, this desease was fatal.

    Charles made a journey to Italy, trying to solve new mathematics calculation.
  • Charles was died

    Charles was died
    He died proud to be in the memories...
    He died from an dangerous operation trying for the first time on him. Until the end of his life, he made experiences...