He born in Shrewsbury, England, in a place called "The Mount". He was the fifth of the sixth siblings. -
He began to study Medicine in 1825, in the Edimburgh university, but he dislike it. The second year he study Natural History, where he listened a conference about the Human Evolucion Ideas. His father was still ungry, so he sent to Christ’s College of Cambridge to study humanistic. In this period he read a lot of books about Natural Filosofic. He will plan to visit Tenerife in his last summer. -
Trip Beagle
During 5 years he was sailing by the world and he visited, Azores, Tenerife, Cape Verde, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, the Galapagos, Australia and Cape Town (South Africa). In this period he studied biology, geology, current oceanic, fauna and flora. -
Beagle Trip´s Diary
Darwing writed his Diary about the Beagle Trip and he catch an illness because his hard work. -
Visit to a Zoological
Darwin visited a zoo and seeing to move an orangutan he thought in a child. -
Darwing married with his cousin Enma. -
His siblings
Darwing had ten siblings, but two of them died when were children. -
"The Origin of Species"
Darwing published his famous book "The Origin of Species" in 1859 -
Darwing died in 1882. He was illnes a lot of years, about 22. He had problem with his stomach.