The Washington Conference is Held
People who joined were, Britain, France, Italy, the Netherlands, China, Japan, and Portugal. This meeting consists of who is going where and the naval arrangements treaty ratio for the ships.
I think that this event is important because This is like setting up for the war and figuring out who is going where. -
The Locarno Pacts are Signed
Germany Admitted into League of Nations
The members that were part of this were Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, etc. League of Nations was an international organization created after World War One to provide forum for resolving international disputes.
I think that this event is important because Germany -
The Spanish Monarchy is Overthrown
Hitler is Appointed Chancellor of Germany
Hitler was the leader of the NATZI part. This event is important because This is when Germany had a big fall and they didn't have a good appearance to others after this event. -
Franklin Roosevelt was Elected
Franklin Roosevelt was elected as president in 1933.
This event is important because he helped the American people regain faith in themselves.He brought hope as he promised to bring action to issues. -
Leon Blum's Popular Front Government Comes to Power in France
The Spanish Nationalists Begin the Spanish Civil War
This was a military revolt against the Republic of Spain. They were supported by conservative elements. The Nationalists were called as the rebels.
This event is important because it was a war that was going on during this time period. -
The Spanish Nationalists Bomb Guernica
The Spanish Civil War Ends
This is when the Spanish War finally ended. This event is important because the war has ended and things were dropped. This all started from problems with the government. -
German Invasion of Poland