Cesar Chavez

By vle01
  • Born in Arizona

    Born in Arizona
    He was born in Mexican family with his parent and brothers and sisters
  • He spent his childhood as a migrant worker

    He spent his childhood as a migrant worker
    1927-1938. He lived in Arizona until he was 11 years old, they lived out by raising chickens, watermelon and vegetables on their farm
  • His family had problem

    His family had problem
    Chavez family went broke , he and his family became migrant worker , traveling from place to place because of Great Depression
  • After his family went broke

    After his family went broke
    He attended more than 30 different schools because they traveled around so much
  • Got married

    Got married
    He got married a woman named Helen and they had eight children.
  • He got his first job

    He got his first job
    He got his first steady job, he became a staff member of the Community Service Organization, a group dedicated to protecting the civil rights of Mexican Americans. They had enough money to pay the bills. They also had a few hundred dollars in the bank
  • Quit his job

    Quit his job
    He decided to desperately to help those farm workers and set out to organize a farm workers's union. He traveled all over California and he explained that the union would fight for fair wages and never use violence to win its battle
  • The union became known as the United Farm Workers Association

    The union became known as the United Farm Workers Association
    This's a good idea because this helped the migrant workers get a good wages and conditions.
  • He went on a fast

    He went on a fast
    His union members thought the only way to get the grape companies is use violence. And he tried to stop them because he worried La Causa was losing sight of its goal
  • The California grape growers signed the first contract

    The California grape growers signed the first contract
    This is the most important because the farm workers could get a better wages and better conditions
  • He became a symbol for all oppression workers

    He became a symbol for all oppression workers
    He decided to keep fighting until all crop growers treated their workers with fairness and respect.
  • He died in Arizona

    He died in Arizona
    Before he died he had already done a lot of good things for farm workers. Cesar Chavez Day is a federal commemorative holiday in the U.S. by proclamation of President Obama in 2014.