Cell theory 1 728

The Events of Cell Theory

  • Inanimate Matter & Living Organisms

    Inanimate Matter & Living Organisms
    The existence of an entire world of microscopic living beings was seen as a bridge between inanimate matter and living organisms that are visible to the naked eye. This event is important because it talks about the inanimate matter and living organisms. I thought it was important to include this event because this is where it all started between life and non-life.
  • Felice Fontana

    Felice Fontana
    The abbot Felice Fontana (1730–1805) glimpsed the nucleus in epithelial cells in 1781. This event is important because Felice Fontana changed cells in 1781 with the nucleues. This is beneficial to the timeline because this system was the first decade of the eighteenth century.
  • General Structural Paradigm in Biology

    General Structural Paradigm in Biology
    Cell theory stimulated a reductionistic approach to biological problems and became the most general structural paradigm in biology. I think this event is important because it tells you how to approach biological problems. This is important to the timeline becuase it became the most general structural parafigm in biology! This was really benefitial in biology.
  • The Gap Between Inanimate Matter & Life

    The Gap Between Inanimate Matter & Life
    An organism derives from another organisms and that a gap exists between inanimate matter and life.This event is important because it explains the organsims and the space between life and the inanimate matter. I included this into the timeline because the reserach made a difference in that generation.
  • Introduction of Achromatic Microscopes

    Introduction of Achromatic Microscopes
    Only in the 1830s were achromatic microscopes introduced, allowing more precise histological observations.This event is important because it tells us when microscopes were introduced. This quote is part of the timeline because is tells you about the histological observation and that's important.
  • Single Nerve Cells

    Single Nerve Cells
    This reaction provided, for the first time, a full view of a single nerve cell and its processes, which could be followed and analysed even when they were at a great distance from the cell body. This is important because it told us about a nerve cell and the process it could go through. This is important to the timeline because it was the first time they knew about single nerve cells.
  • Protoplasm

    A viscous substance called ‘‘protoplasm’’ (a name now replaced by Kölliker’s term ‘‘cytoplasm’’), and the nucleues. This event is important because protoplasm is an important part of a cell. This event is in the timeline because without it you won't know its purpose in the cell.
  • Nuerocytology & Nueroanatomy Breakthrough

    Nuerocytology & Nueroanatomy Breakthrough
    The most important breakthrough in neurocytology and neuroanatomy came in 1873. This event is important because its was the breakthrough. This is part of the timeline because it was a discovery in 1873 that affected nueroanatomy and nuerocytology.
  • Nerve Cell Body

    Nerve Cell Body
    The nerve-cell body and its prolongations form an independent
    unit. This is important because it talks about the prolongations and the nerve cell body and that was one of the main sections in the article. I put this in the timeline because it formed an independent unit.
  • Evolution

    With the theory of evolution, the cell theory is the most important generalization in biology. This is important because this quote says "cell theory is the most important generalization in biology". This even is in the timeline because it talked about the evolution.