Cats and Dogs

By 2035791
  • The first cat

    The first cat
    At the beginning There is a dog named lou and his onwer berings a cat to there house and this cat is a follower of a cat bent on world domanation.
  • The bomb

    The bomb
    In the second event the evil cat builds a bomb on a lab door in lous house after he is attacked by lou and another dog named butch an agent.
  • the fight

    the fight
    the evil cat then begens to attack back with nifes and all sortsof lethal gagits
  • boomarag

    The cat throws a boomarang and butch jumps over it and lands on a wine cabinet nearly bering the thing down on top of hhim and trys get out from under it but his back legs a tagled in some wires.
  • suprise

    before the evil cat can finsh butch the onwer walks in not notising what is going grabs her phone and walks out then lou takls the evil cat and they clash on the floor and the cat is wining. the cat says " you fight like poodle".
  • After the fight

    After the fight
    butch dis arms the bomb after saying that dogs are color blind the evil cat is thrown at the door and then pulls out a romote detonator then the door slams open and the second owner walks out and picks up lou and has him lick his nose his nose bolges up and then he drops lou and walks back in his lab the evil cat is mashe againt the wall then falls of it he intarigated but all he says is "I maybe cute and cudly but I am still strong"
  • the experiment

    the experiment
    After the fight the dad comes out and trys his experiment agian but this time nothing happens vizuly or from what I saw any way but he says it was an suckses.
  • mr tinkles

    mr tinkles
    Some how him saying that was recorded and a cat named tinkles he is planning to take over the world(In this world both cats and dogs can speak) and he has a friend but then a maid comes in and holdes up a maid cat costum and then tinkles says "NO" then contiues to say " whats wrong cat got your tung oh did I scare you" the maid blacksout then tinkles says "We must hurry if my plan is to be complete".
  • the limo

    the limo
    Then the cat goes to the place his owner works at in his limo.They pull up to the gate and instead of his owner talking Mr. Tinkles talks to the guard at the front gate. Then the guard opens the gate and the three cats that are driving the limo floor it and nearly run over a bystander. When the limo comes to a stop in front of the warehouse Mr. Tinkles and his owner get out of the limo and walk to the elevator. They take the elevator up to an upper floor where they are greeted.
  • Mr. Tinkles Fires Everyone.

    Mr. Tinkles Fires Everyone.
    Mr. Tinkles takes over and fires eveyone. Mr. Tinkles tells that the former employees can blame their dog if they have one for getting fired.
  • Family Captured

    Family Captured
    Mr. Tinkles sends Lou's family to a fake soccer game so that he can kidnapp them. He wants Lou's father to hand over his experiment. Mr. Tinkles wants to change the forumla so that everyone is allergic to dogs and cats can rule the world.
  • The Meeting

    The Meeting
    When Tinkles sends the dogs a video.The leader of the dogs calls out for the dogs of each country to meet and decide what to do. The dogs take a vote and decide to scrafice Lou's family rather than meet the cats demands. Lou finds this unfair and takes the experiment to the cats. When Lou arrives the cats take the experiment and tie Lou up and leave him.
  • The Final Battle Begins

    The Final Battle Begins
    Butch finds Lou and releases him from the net. Butch then gathers his team of dog fighters and they go to the warehouse to save Lou's family.
  • Interigation

    Mr. Tinkles begins to interigate Lou's family but in the end Mr. Tinkles opens a box that he thinks has a real gun in it but when he pulls it out and points it at the family, he realizes it is not real.
    He then proceeds to yell at his friend.
  • The Fire

    The Fire
    Mr. Tinkles drops the fake gun. It fires somehow, the wire snaps and somehow catches fire and the room goes up in flames. Mr. Tinkles leaves and leaves his friend behind.
  • Lou Saves the Day

    Lou Saves the Day
    Butch and Lou approach the warehouse and smell the smoke from inside. Butch and his friends sabatoge Mr. Tinkles evil plans while Lou sneaks in and saves his family.
  • The Final Battle

    The Final Battle
    When Lou rejoins his friends. Butch is fighting Tinkles. But Mr. Tinkles is in a crane he grabs Butch and he begens to spin the crane. Lou jumps on Mr Tinkle's back and stops the crane. Then Tinkles throws Lou off and starts spinning the crane again
  • Lou Ends The Battle

    Lou Ends The Battle
    Lou quickly realizes he needs something to stop Mr. Tinkles and the crane. He sees a snow blower and quickly lets Mr. Tinkles have it.
  • Boom

    The crane did a lot of damege to the buliding. the pressure in the tanks gets too high and the warehouse explodes while Lou is still in it and Butch drags him out. Scott runs to Lou and picks him up. Lou is unconscious and Scott thinks that Lou is dead and not just knocked out. Lou wakes up gives Scott lots of free kisses.
  • The End

    The End
    The final scene of Scott and his father playing soccer and when the ball disappears i the bushes Lou once again will save the day by finding the ball. Lou not only finds the ball but runs into Butch. He invites him to play ball but Butch declines and tells Lou he needs to get back to work. Butch thinks Lou would make a fine agent.