
By 49719
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    Birth of Caligula

    Birth of Caligula
    Caligula was born in 12 AD. He was originally named Gaius but received the name Caligula, meaning "little soldier's boot", from his father's soldiers during his campaign in Germany. He was born into the first ruling family of the Roman Empire.
  • Period: 14 to 19

    Lived in Germany and East

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    Death of father

    His father was a popular Roman general and was named Germanicus.
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    Moved to Rome

    Lived in Rome with his mother in from 20AD
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    Death of his mother

    Mother named Agrippina
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    Death of brother

    Brother Nero dies
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    Elected as Pontifex

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    Becomes Quaestor

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    Married with Junia Claudilla

  • 37

    Became ruler

    He became ruler after Tiberus' death and is supported by Praetorian prefect Macro
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    Shared consulship with uncle

    He shared his consulship with his uncle, Claudius
  • Period: 37 to 41

    Ruled the Empire

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    Married Lollia Paulina

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    Second consulship

    He quarrelled with the senate and deposed the consuls
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    Married Milonia Caesonia

  • 41

    Murdered on 24 January