Business management

  • scientific management theory

    scientific management theory
    It occurred in the United Kingdom in the mid-19th century. British people who immigrated to Australia then brought their knowledge with them. This sparked a similar industrial revolution in Australia.
  • TQM

    A system management based on involving all employees is a constant process of improving quality and productivity by improving how they work.
  • Monopoly

    when one party maintains total control over a type of industry.
  • Centralization

    concertation of power among a few key decision makers.
  • Decartelization

    Decisions are made by managers.
  • Maslow's hierarchy of needs

    Maslow's hierarchy of needs
    A paper written by Abraham Maslow in 1943 called, "A theory of human motivation." This is based of the five needs that you see in the pyramid.
  • Theory X

    Theory X
    Theory X is the people who dislike work and will not take responsibility for anything.
  • Theory Y

    Theory Y
    Theory Y is the people who are self motivated and find satisfaction in work and enjoy it.
  • Trust

    Trust is a giant industrial.
  • Theory Z

    Theory Z
    A combination of Japanese and American business practices.