Britsh VIP

By 604379
  • Apr 26, 1564

    baptised april 26,1564

    baptised april 26,1564
    william shakesspeare was a poet and a actor he was baptised april 26 in 1564 and died in april 23 in 1616 at age 52 warwickshire in england
  • Jan 1, 1582

    He gets married

    He gets married
    By the time he turns 18 he gets married to Anne Hathaway and had 3 chrildren.
  • Became an actor

    Became an actor
    Somewhere betwwen1585-1596 he became an actor.
  • Became a writer

    Became a writer
    Its not exacly clear when william started but 1592 is when researchers believe it was.