Book Timeline

  • Ryan Higa's birth date

    Ryan Higa's birth date
    Ryan Higa on June 6th, 1990 in the city of Hilo, Hawaii.
  • Beginning of The Book

    Ryan who was 10 at the time, just finished his judo class explains that he hated his life and all of the people in his life.
  • Getting sent to a different school

    In this point in the book Ryan is 11 years old and about to start middle school. And is very disappointed that he cannot go to the school he wants to go to with all of his friends he had known for a long time.
  • Placement test

    Ryan's new school is a little weird, and did placement tests instead of grade levels. Ryan did well on the placement test and got put into a group of older kids. He thought the older kids would think he was cool for skipping a grade, but he was wrong and got laughed at a lot.
  • Bullies in his first middle school year

    This part in Ryan's life he meets his bullies which will pick on him constantly during his first year in middle school.
  • Tired of Bullying

    Ryan, who is tired of the bullying, tries to convince his mom to change schools but continuously fails to do so.
  • Suicidal

    Ryan becomes suicidal after being bullied every single day since he started his 6th grade year and tries to find methods to kill himself.
  • Standing up to his bullies

    Ryan, who is now in 7th grade finally stands up to the bullies who have been tormenting him for many months by finding their reasoning behind it. Attention and laughs from classmates, so Ryan made a joke when his bullies called him an insult. And feels a sense of hope after that and doesn't want to kill himself anymore.
  • Making Videos

    In November of 2003 Ryan, who is at a family reunion and in a restaurant is bored and sees his mom filming the party with a video camera. Ryan asks "can I do that" his mom says yes but she said to him "you better actually film the party". he was doing that for a while then he got an idea and it was what if this party was in the perspective of an ant. and really enjoyed doing that and continues to make videos.
  • High school

    At this point of time Ryan has just started high school and discovers they run on cliques but Ryan feels like he belongs in none of the cliques
  • Wrestling

    Ryan's uncle had convinced him to join the wrestling team and really enjoys it but the only weight class he could compete in was 103 and he weighed 119 pounds but Ryan is determined to get on the team so he started to try to lose weight.
  • Reaching his goal

    Ryan who had worked himself like crazy by running miles everyday and eating almost nothing had made the 103 weight class by being just a pound under.
  • Making his YouTube channel

    This is the day Ryan had made his nigahiga YouTube account. He had an account before with his friend called the Yabo Crew but most of the videos had gotten taken down for copyright music reasons.
  • Career

    Ryan started to consider what he was going to do with his future but everything he wanted to do he thought would be difficult to get to or boring so he decided on Youtube.
  • Making his book

    Making his book
    On May 30th 2017 Ryan Higa with his ghostwriter which isn't really that secret. Made Ryan Higa's how to write good.