700 BCE
"The Beginning of Times"
Gaea came out of te darkness, above her was Uranus "the Sky".
As soon as they meet for the first time they fell in love each other. After this earth became "Mother Earth" the mother of all things living, all her children loved her while they feared their mighty father, Uranus "Lord of the Univers". -
"The TItans"
The titans were the first children of mother earth, the first gods.
There were six titans, whit six sisters, "Tutaneses". -
"The Cyclopes"
When Gaea gave birth again, Uranus wasn't pruod, their new children, "Lightning,Thunder and Thunderbolt", were huges and very strong but had onli one eye in the midel pf their faces -
Cronus, lord of the Universe.Didn't set free his brothers because he wanted to rule and dominate the Universe,as he new his sons will be stonger than him he ate them to keep up governing.
When Reah was giving birth for the 6th but instead of giving Cronus the child she gave him a baby stone.He never knew about Zeus until Zeus beat him. -
"Zeus and his family" Part 1
Zeus was raised by the goat Amatheia. As soon as he was strong enough he wanted to beat Cronus but Metis, his first wife, she recommended him to find allies. After that Metis went to Cronus and trick him into eating a magic herb, that made him vomited up all his 5 children. Instantly after that the battle began, on one side was Cronus and the Titans and on the other side was Zeus and his brothers. Finally Zeus stood victorious over the fallen titans. -
"Zeus and his family" Part 2
Mother earth sent Typhoon to fight Zeus and the Gods in revenge.
Zeus defeated Typhoon, who lies under Mount Aetna, belching lava through the top of it.
After this fight, Earth became peaceful again.