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unborken_Rodrigo Estrada

  • louie started his running career

    louie started his running career
    this event had a positive outcome on his part as before this all he was a troublemaker. this is the moment when all the trouble from him starts to settle down and become clamer. his fighting spirt is what helps him continue his running career even though he was forced to start this because of his brother.
  • The Olympics in Germany

    The Olympics in Germany
    this event also has a postivitve impact on the charater as before this he really wasn't pasionatnate about anything really. but now during this he sees the benift of hard work. like the next events his fighting spirt is what helped him to get to the olymics in the first place.
  • Louie enters the US air force

    Louie enters the US air force
    this changes him to be strong and be braver, this was a positive change as he mentally becomes mature. unlike his past self were he was childish. this reenforces the theme statement because his fighting sprit is was what caused him to want to be in the air force.
  • The Plane that Louie commands crashes into the pacific

    The Plane that Louie commands crashes into the pacific
    this has a not so positive impact on louie as first of all he almost dies. but it is kindof postive as we see that he has evoled to become more of a leader instead of what he was first persived in the beginning. this also enforces the theme as it is the fighting sprit in him that pushes hi to go on longer an try and survive this.
  • Louie gets liberated from a Japanese POW camp

    Louie gets liberated from a Japanese POW camp
    this event really changes him in both a positive and negitive way. first of all this event caused hom to have PTSD and due to that he began to become an alcholic. but it was sort of positive as he was liberated. the theme statement that i'm going to give this book is that "a fighting spirit that remains unbroken can survive anything". this connects to this event because it was his fighting spirt that helped himsurvive this terrible event. and as the book suggests that louie remains unborken.