Discovery of Proteins
Discovered by Antonie Fourcroy. Late 18th century. -
First public vaccination campaign
The first public caccination campaing was for the Spanish Smallpox. This lasted from 1803 to 1813. -
First Food Sterilization
Food sterilization. -
Discovery of genetic inheritance patterns
Gregor Mendel discovered genetic ingeritance patterns while conducting experiments in pea plants. -
Discovery of enzymes
Wilhelm Kuhne first used the terms enzyme. Louis Pasteur discovered the concept of it while fermenting. -
First Vaccine
Louis Pasteur invented rabies vaccine. -
First antibiotic
Alexander Fleming invented Penicilling during World War 1. -
Discovery of DNA structure
William Astbury discovered that DNA had a regular structure. Other scientist contributed to the discovery of DNA, but William showed the structure of it. -
McLeod's experiment
This experiment that DNA is the substance that causes bacterial transformation. -
Avery's experiment
Avery's experiment lead him to his discovery that DNA is the material of which genes and chromosomes are made. -
First cloned organism
A tadpole was the first cloned organism, though many scientists questioned whether cloning had actually occured. -
Hershey-Chase experiment
A series of experiments that helped confirm that DNA was the genetic material. -
First gene sequenced
Obtained by academic researchers using laborious methods. Followed the development of dye-based sequencing. -
First recombinant organism
Peter Lobban first proposed this idea. Stanford University applied for a U.S. patent on recombinant DNA in 1974. -
First transgenic animal
Rudolf Jaenisch first genetically modified an animal by a DNA virus into a early-stage mouse embryo. -
Human embryonic stem cell line established
Embryonic stem cells (ES cells) were independently first derived from mouse embryos. -
First biotech drug (insulin)
Genentech produced this drug to treat diabetes. First biotech drug to be apporved by Food and Drug Administration. -
PCR technique conceived
PCR techinique is a scientific technique that amplifies a single or a few copies of a piece of DNA across several orders of magnitude, making thousand to millions of copies. -
Human Genome Project
The goal of this project is to determine the sequence of chemical base pairs which make up DNA. -
First GM crop sold
Soybeans are the man GMOs today.