• Redi’s experiment

    Redi’s experiment
    The doctor francesco Redi has a hypotesis,he think that maggots do not emerge spontaneously from meat but instead develop from fly eggs.His experiment consists on one jar open to the air,one covered with mesh,and one tightly sealed.He observed that maggots only appeared in the open jar where flies had access to the meat and flies eggs.I.His work helped for future advancements in biology and the scientific method.
  • Needham's rebuttal

    Needham's rebuttal
    Needham's rebuttal as the name indicates was a response to Redi's experiment.He argued that the sealed jar did not prevents the generation of life.Needham elaborate his own experiments using broth,he believed would generate microorganisms even when sealed. However his results were inconclusive so Needham's rebuttal failed to provide conclusive evidence for spontaneous generation.While Redi's experiment continued to hold merit.
  • Criticism from Spallanzani

    Criticism from Spallanzani
    Lazzaro Spallanzani,criticized Needham's experiments and. He argued that Needham's sealed broth experiments were flawed. Spallanzani replicated the experiments but he used more precise techniques. His results doesen't show any microbial growth, challenging Needham's claims. His work further contributed to the ongoing scientific understanding of the origin of life
  • Pasteur puts spontaneous generation to rest

    Pasteur puts spontaneous generation to rest
    The chemist Louis Pasteur disproved the concept of spontaneous generation, laying it to rest.After a series of experiments demonstrated that microorganisms do not arise spontaneously but rather come from preexisting microorganisms. Pasteur's experiments consistently showed that no growth occurred in the broth unless it was exposed to external sources of microorganisms. His work provided ¡evidence for the principle of biogenesis and solidified our understanding of the origin of life.