Beowulf's Last Battle

  • 424

    The Journey to the Dragon's Lair

    The Journey to the Dragon's Lair
    There were many obstacles in Beowulf's path on his journey to the dragon's lair. There were rocky cliffs and the heat of the dragon's breath, so hot that no man could stand in the entrance. He continues forward.
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    The Dragon Begins Terrorizing the Geats

    The Dragon Begins Terrorizing the Geats
    Call to Adventure
    Beowulf, being the proud warrior he is, knows he must defeat the dragon. His people are being attacked and he will not let that stand. He must defeat the dragon.
  • 424

    Beowulf's Final Boast

    Beowulf's Final Boast
    Crossing the Threshold
    Beowulf decides he must defeat the dragon and save his people, no matter the cost. He knew there was a possibility he would not return. But he knew that only he could defeat this menace. He soon departs for his final battle.
  • 424

    Beowulf Continues Forward

    Beowulf Continues Forward
    Beowulf knew the risks. He knew he might go with Death. He knew he might never return home. He knew he had to defeat the dragon. After all, he was the mightiest warrior, the one who killed two demons within two years. He was the king of the Geats. He was Beowulf.
  • 424

    Beowulf Battles the Dragon

    Beowulf Battles the Dragon
    Beowulf faces off against the dragon. He uses his shield to deflect the fiery breath of the dragon. His shield soon melts from the sheer heat of the flame. He knows this dragon could kill him.
  • 424

    Wiglaf Comes to Beowulf's Aide

    Wiglaf Comes to Beowulf's Aide
    Wiglaf was a good friend of Beowulf. He was a Geat warrior, a loyal follower of his king, son of Wexstan. He knew he had to help Beowulf if there were to be any hope of defeating this dragon.
  • 424

    Beowulf Defeats the Dragon

    Beowulf Defeats the Dragon
    Beowulf, with the help of Wiglaf, defeats the dragon. The fight was intense, and there were many who had died. There was one more to come, as Beowulf was mortally wounded.
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    Beowulf's Tomb is constructed

    Beowulf's Tomb is constructed
    The Return Home
    Beowulf had died valiantly, knowing he had saved his people once again. The Geats built a tower, as Beowulf instructed, tall and strong. It took ten days to complete the tomb. Beowulf's remains were sealed inside the tower, his armor and the riches he'd won from the dragon sealed in with him.
  • 424

    The Dragon's Flames Wound Beowulf

    The Dragon's Flames Wound Beowulf
    Beowulf's sword had failed. His shield had failed. For the first time, Beowulf fought against three foes, Death, fate, and the dragon. The dragon opens its mouth, flames spewing forward. The swirl around Beowulf as he cries in agony.
  • 424

    The Death of Beowulf

    The Death of Beowulf
    Beowulf knew his luck had run out. He knew his time had come. Wiglaf retrieves the treasures they won from defeating the dragon. Beowulf draws his last breath. His followers come out of the woods, the shame of failure covering their faces.
  • Period: 424 to 424

    Beowulf's Last Battle

    Beowulf has aged considerably. It has been over half a century since he defeated Grendel. He is now the king of the Geats. Even with the peace and prosperity his land has had for fifty years, he still wants glory. A fire-breathing dragon has begun terrorizing the Geats. Who would Beowulf be if he did not rise up to defeat the dragon and save his people?