Benjamin's Birth
Benjamin is born as an elderly man. He is 70 years old at birth, and grows backwards. "His sparse hair was almist white, and from his chin dripped a;pmg smoke colored beard, which waved absurdley back and fourth, fanned by a breeze coming in the window." (62). -
Couple Hours Old
Benjamin is home, and is forced to play with baby toys, and act like a baby. His father only cares about his pride. Mr. Button says, "Benjamin was a baby, and a baby he should remain," (66) -
12 years old
Benjamin's parents are finally getting used to him. And, he thinks he notices that he is starting to get a younger complexion, He finds the courage to ask his dad for trousers. "Did his eyes deceive him, or had his hair turned in the dozen years of his life from white to iron-gray under its concealing dye?, writes the author. (68) -
18 years old
He was like a 50 year old, hunched over more than any other 18 year old, but he was making progress. Mr. Button sends hin to get evaluated to Yale College. "his voice had lost its cracked quaver and desended to a healthy baritione. So his father sent him up to Conneticut to take examinations for entrance to Yale College." (69) -
20 Years old
Benjamin goes to work with his father for the first time, and can, "socially go out." The narrator says, "he signalized his birthday by going to work for his father in Rodger Button & Co., Whole sale Hardware." (71) -
20 years old - the dance
Benjamin attends a very fancy dance. He danced with Hildegarde. He thought the girl was pretty, and almost had a crush on her. In the story, it says, "... he nodded, smiled, listened, was happy," while dancing with Hildegarde. (72) -
Benjamin Button was now engaged to Hildegarde, six months after dancing with each other half a year ago. "...the excitment in Baltimore society reached a geverish pitch." (73) -
38 years old
He joined the army due to lack of excitement in his marrage. Benjamin thinks, "his home had for him so little charm that he decided to join the army." (75) -
46 years old
Benjamin starts to take up sports, "he took up golf and made a grear success of it." He is now able to play sports.(77) -
48 years old
Benjamin started to dance, and "was an expert at 'The Boston'". He also took up other dances, such as 'Castle Walk' and 'Maxixe'" (77) -
50 years old
He was accepted once again into Harvard University, to blend in. "He was admitted, and almost immediatly attained a prominante position in the class, partly because he seemed a little older than the other freshman, whose average age was eighteen." (78) -
Rosco has his first Child
Rosco gives birth, which people were disgusted about " no one thought it 'the thing' to mention that the little grubby boy, apparently about ten years of age who played around the house with lead soldiers and a minuure circus, was the new baby's own grandfather" (81) -
5 years old
Sent to kidnergarden, but soon taken out because he was supossedly "to young". The author says, "He was inclined to drowse off to sleep in the middle of these tasks, a habbit which both irritated and frightened his young teacher. To his relief she complained to his parents, and he was remmoved from the school." (68) -
Benjamin's last day's as a baby
We don't know what happened to Benjamin. Wehter he died, dissapeared, or just vanished, something happened to him, the author says. "then it was all dark, and his white crib and the dim faces that moved abouve him, and the warm aroma of the milk, faded out altogether from his mind." (83)