Printing Press
At this time benjamins brother James started a paper called the England Courant. -
Anonymous Artical
Sometime later a anonymous Artical started appearing in the office on the floor, from being slipped under the door. -
Still Anonymous
Ben still wrote his anonymous artical till it was aproved by the people that worked for ben's brother. It was finally appoved for the artical. -
Jail bird
Some time later Bens brother went to jail, he was told not to write like that and still did so he did a month in jail. Ben spoke for the council and he was dismised, mostly because he thought he did not satify them -
Ben takes over
While ben's brother was in jail, Ben took over. he did many little things to help the paper. while his brother liked all this, many other peopl did not. Then when James got out of jail an order of the house asked him not to write the paper anymore. -
While Ben and his brother go in an arguement, Ben desided to go with his freedom, so ben desided to leave, and when James caught wind of this he made sure he would not another job at a printint press. -
New York
Ben sold books to raise money so he could get on a ship. In three days he found himself in the city of New York. -
The new paper
After Ben moved he eventually he found another job at a printing press, things went a little rough at first bet they got better. -
Met his reading
He later made a book about all peple and how they do things, like eat, drink, also about industy moderation and things like that. -
The end
Ben eventaully quits his writing because he could no longer write. Because he eventually passes away.