Benjaminfranklin pic

Benjamin Franklin (TEKS §113.14.Social Studies. Grade 3.(b).1B)

  • Born in Boston, Massachussets

    Born in Boston, Massachussets
    He was born on Jan 17, 1706 in Boston, Massachussets. His father, Josiah Franklin, was a soap and candle maker. His mother' was Abiah Folger, the second wife of his father.
  • Invented Swim Fins

    Invented Swim Fins
    He invented swim fins at the age of 10 years old.
  • Published His First Pamphlet

    Published His First Pamphlet
    Franklin published his first pamphlet titled "A Dissertation upon Liberty and necessity, Pleasure, and Pain".
  • Named as the Offical Printer Of Philadelphia

    Named as the Offical Printer Of Philadelphia
    He set up for himself the printing business.He got contract to fo government jobs and thriving in business. He became the official printer of Philadelphia.
  • Published 2nd Pamphlet

    Published 2nd Pamphlet
    Franklin pubslihed the second pamphlet titled "A Modest Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a paper Currency" which advocated for an increase in the money supply to stimulate the economy.
  • Incorporated America's First Subscription Library

    Incorporated America's First Subscription Library
    Franklin helped to incorporate America's first subscription library, the Library Company of Philadelphia.
  • Published "Poor Richard's Almanack"

    Published "Poor Richard's Almanack"
    Franklin's success grew after his publication of his almanac titled" Poor Richard's Almanack in 1732.
  • Published Pamphlet For the American Philosophical Society

    Published Pamphlet For the American Philosophical Society
    He published published pamphlet titled "A Proposal for Promoting useful Knowledge" which served as the founding document of the American Philosophical Society, the first scientific society in the colonies.
  • Wrote a Pamphlet about the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania

    Wrote a Pamphlet about the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania
    He wrote a pamphlet about the education of youth in Pennsylvania that resulted in teh establishment of Academy of Philadelphia, now the University of Pennsylvania.
  • Invented the Lightning Rod

    Invented the Lightning Rod
    He invented the lightning rod.
  • Authored a Book Titled "Experiments and Observations on Electricity"

    Authored a Book Titled "Experiments and Observations on Electricity"
    He wrote up his thoughts on electricity in several letters to a fellow scientists in London. Then they thought Franklin's letters contained valuable information, so in 1751 they published them in a little book called "Experiments and Observations on Electricity."
  • Created the Famous and First America's Political Cartoon "Join, or Die"

    Created the Famous and First America's Political Cartoon "Join, or Die"
    He created this first polical cartoon and published in an American newspaper "Pennsylvania Gazette" with courtesy from the Library of Congress.
  • Invented "Glass Armonica"

    Invented "Glass Armonica"
    Franklin invented a musical instrument composed of spinning glass bowls on a shaft, called "Glass Armonica". both Ludwig van Beethoven and Wolfgang Amadeus mozart composed music fit for for the instrument.
  • Appointed as the Speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly

    Appointed as the Speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly
    He was the speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly from may 1764 to October 1764
  • Appointed as First Postmaster General

    Appointed as First Postmaster General
    He was appointed as first postmaster general in 1775 by the Second Continental Congress.
  • Period: to

    Drafted and Signed Declaration of Indenpendence

    He was one of the founding fathers who drafted and signed the Declaration of Independence.
  • Signed Declaration of Indenpendence

    Signed Declaration of Indenpendence
    He was one of the US Founding Fathers who signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776.
  • Appointed as US Minister to France

    Appointed as US Minister to France
    He was appointed as US Minister to France by Continental Congress.
  • Appointed as the United States Minister to Sweden

    Appointed as the United States Minister to Sweden
    He was appointed as the US minister to Sweden by Congress of the Confederation
  • Negotiated the Treaty of Paris

    Negotiated the Treaty of Paris
    He negotiated the1783 Treaty of Paris, which ended the Revolutionary War.
  • Invented Bifocals Glasses

    Invented Bifocals Glasses
    Bem Franklin's InventionsHe wrote to his friend George Whatley, that he was" happy in the invention of double spectacles, which serving for distant objects as well as near ones, make my eyes as useful to me as ever they were."
  • Served as the 6th President of Pennslyvania

    Served as the 6th President of Pennslyvania
    he served as the 6th President of Pennslyvania from 1785 to 1788.
  • Petitioned to U.S. Congress to End Slavery

    Petitioned to U.S. Congress to End Slavery
    He served as president of the Pennyslavania Society promoting the abolition of slavery and wrote many tracts about it and petittioned the U.S. Congress to end slavery and the slave trade.
  • Died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    <a href='<I>Information courtesy of <A HREF=""></A></I><BR' >Benjamin Franklin's Funeral and Grave</a>He died on April 17, 1790 at age of 84. He had been suffering from empyema, pus fillng in his lung brought on by attacks of pluerisy many years earlier.
    <I>Information courtesy of <A HREF=""></A></I><BR
  • His Picture on the US Hundred Dollar Bill

    His Picture on the US Hundred Dollar Bill
    His picture on the US 100$ bills is a way to honor his great contributions to the society.