Benjamin Button

  • Birth (age 70)

    Benjamin Button is born in a hospital in 1860- "Wrapped in a voluminous white banket and partially crammed into one of the cribs, there sat an old man apparently about seventy years of age"
  • A month old

    Benjamin had is hair cut and dyed black, his face was shaved, and was clothed in child's attire. But no matter how much the Buttons tried to conceal his age, they could not. "Despite his aged stoop, [he] was five feet eight inces tall. His clothes did not conceal this, nor did the clippings and dyeing of his eyebrows."
  • 5 years-old

    When Benjamin was five year's old his parents sent him to kindergarden, "where he was initated into the art of pasting green paper on orange paper, of weaving colored maps and manufacturing eternal cardboard neckleaces." But Benjamin wasnt able to stay alert during those activitys so his teacher complained which resulted in his parents taking him out of school.
  • 12 year-old

    At this age his parents had grown used to him. Benjamin is starting to realize that his features are appearing younger. "Did his eyes decieve him, or had his hair turned in the dozen years of his like from white to iron-grey?"
  • 18 years old

    At age 18, he was just like an average 50-year-old man. "He had more hair and it was of a drak gray, his step was firm, his voice lost its quzver and descened to a healthy batitone."
  • 20 years-old

    At this age benjamin started to work for his father in Roger Button & Co., Wholesale Hardware. Also at this age, "his father inisisted on taking him to several fashinable dances."
  • 20 year-old ( a few months later)

    A few months later, while he and his father where going to a dance at Shevlin's country house, Benjamin meets his first love. Her name was "Hildegarde Moncrief, the daughter of General Moncrief."
  • age 21

    six months after he met Miss Hildegarde Moncrief their engagement was "made known." "The almost forgotten story of Benjamin's birth was remembered and sent out upon the winds of scandal in picaresque and incredible forms." Theyre were many rumors floating about, saying various things about Benjamin, however most of them were not true. Benjamins fiance refused to believe any of them though, even the real ones.
  • 35 years-old

    Benjamin's buisness sky-rocketed between the years of his engagement and his father's retirement. Benjamins began to change a lot, "It seemed to him that the blood flowed with new vigor through his veins." Although, at this day and age, Benjamin's wife had "ceased" to attract him.
  • age 38

    Benjamin joined the army but later on, "Benjamin had become so attached to the activity and excitement of army life that he regretted to give it up, but his business required attention, so he regined his commission and came home."
  • age 46

    At this age, Benjamin and his wife began growing apart, he was much younger and had much more energy than she does now. But, "Benjamin's growing unhappiness at hhome was compenstated for by his many new interests." Such as dancing and golfing.
  • age 46

    Benjamin applied for Harvard and got accepted. "He was admitted and almost immediantly attainted a prominent position in the class..."
  • age 51

    Benjamin graduated in 1914 with his harvard diploma and went to live with his son, Roseoce, who his now married. "But though he was welcomed in a general way, there was obviously no heartiness in Roscoe's feeling toward him..."
  • age 57

    Benjamin enrolled in the army again, looking barley 16 years old.
  • age 62

    Roscoe has a 5 year-old son who "had grown old enough to play childish games with little Benjamin under the supervision of the same nurse." They both went to Kindergarden together.
  • Age 66

    Benjamin had gone to kindergarden three years in a row but soon he grew too young. "His nurse, Nana, in her starched gingham dress, became the centre of his tiny world."
  • age 67

    By now, Benjamin was a wee little baby. He did not remember anything about his previous life. " No token came to him of his brave day at college...There were only the white, safe walls of his crib and Nana and a man who came to see him sometimes..." It soon came that he didn't remember anything at all, when he was hungry, he would cry and that is all. "Then it was all dark..[everything] faded out altogether from his mind."