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Oliver Miles London

  • It's a Boy!!

    It's a Boy!!
    Oliver Miles London: 12:02 A.M, January 1, 2030.
    (7 lbs, 8 oz and 21 inches long) Oliver is an absolutely beautiful baby boy! He has dark brown hair and beautiful green eyes. He is healthy and will be able to come home in 3 days!
    I was in labor for 7 hours, and he is perfect :)
  • First Smile!

    First Smile!
    Oliver smiled for the first time today. He was laying under his mobile, and I pressed a button that makes the mobile spin and play music when he started to grin. It took a few seconds before the smile was full, but it was amazing. He is two months old now, and he isn't very fussy. He only cries when he is hungry or needs his diaper changed, and, other than that. he is no trouble at all. He caught a little cold, so he has been a little bit mood.y He's doing fine and growing wonderfully.
  • First Christmas!

    First Christmas!
    Ollie's first Christmas was wonderful. He got a toy piano with add-ons that will help both his gross and fine motor skills develop. He giggled the whole day, and, in all the excitement, he took his first steps! He only got a few feet before he tumbled, but he didn't cry at all. He is a very happy baby, but he cries if I leave him for more than a few minutes. He is very sweet, and he loves to give hugs and kisses to anyone who holds him. He is developing wonderfully, and he gets better daily.
  • Ollie's First Pet

    Ollie's First Pet
    Ollie got his first pet! He is 18 months old now, and he hasn't stopped saying "puppy" since we saw a woman with a poodle at the park. She let Oliver pet him, and he hasn't stopped talking about it since. So, I went to a shelter, adopted a puppy, and brought it home for Ollie. He loves her. He is growing fast; he's 25 pounds and 33 inches tall. He is also starting to get mischevious. He likes to color on the walls and himself, but I build frames around the drawings to make him feel proud.
  • Second Birthday

    Second Birthday
    Oliver turned two today. He got a toy train and a set of big legos that he can build with. He can talk and almost make sense now, and he never stops. He points out things in grocery stores and loves to give names to his stuffed animals. He is very smart, and he loves to dance and color. I let him dress himself, even though he often puts his shirts on backward and his shoes on the wrong feet. I read to him at night, and he likes to pick out stories on his own. He is very friendly and brave.
  • First Day of School!

    First Day of School!
    Oliver started preschool today! He is four years old, and he was really excited. He's tall for his age at 43 inches, but he is an average weight of 41 pounds. He is very social, so he won't have any problems making friends. I have taught him to be fairly well behaved and polite, so I have high hopes for his first day. He is very artistic, and he rarely colors outside the lines. He loves to sing, so I taught him the ABC song. He can't quite spell yet, but he can write his own name and mine.
  • First Girlfriend!

    First Girlfriend!
    Oliver came home today and told me about his very first girlfriend. She is a little girl in his grade; her name is Mary. He is 8 years old and very, very handsome. He is 55 pounds and 58 inches tall, and he has more friends than I can keep count of. Recently, we had to have his dog put down due to lung cancer, but he was very brave and didn't cry until it was over. He is very artistically inclined, but he is not very good at sports. He has asthma and poor eyesight, but it doesn't bother him.
  • High-school!!

    Ollie started high-school last month! He is 6ft and 140 lbs. He goes to a charter school in our community where he excels in music, art, and academics. Last week, Oliver told me that he is gay. He met a guy at school named Carson, and he wants me to meet him. I think I'm more nervous than he is. I'm proud of him and his accomplishments, and he has turned out to be a great person. He wants to be a teacher, and I think he would be very good at it.
  • Married!

    Oliver is 23 now. He is 6ft''3 and weighs 162 pounds. He is married to Carson, and they are planning to adopt a little girl. He is in college getting his Master's degree in music education, and he is an amazing teacher. I'm absolutely amazed at what an amazing person he turned out to be, despite the struggles he experienced due to his sexuality and lack of athleticism. I'm so proud of him, and I'm privileged to call myself his mother. He is going to be a great father and a wonderful teacher.