Jimmys drunk abusive father filling him with shame
Every night his father Damacio would stumble home late drunk and strike his mother until he was sent to jail for drunk driving -
Mieyo being raped by Richard white man
While Baca was in prison mieyo was on the streets struggling for a regular meal and place to stay so a two white males approached him and offered him food and shelter but proceeded to have their way mieyo and rape him -
Baca meeting and dating Theresa
13 year old Baca is in school and meets a girl named Theresa in class but they are both afraid of intamicy and getting attached to eachother but she only values Baca for his fighting ability -
Going to jail in albuquerque for a couple months for trying to move pounds of marijuana
Baca lonnie and marcos get a hold of 50 pounds of marijuana and intend to sell it but are locked up by DEA agents -
Baca beating up a convict in the first week he is in state jail for 5 flat time years.
Right when he arrived to jail a con immediatley had an eye for him so a friend of Baca told him to handle "buisness" early so he beat him up and this helped show him what prison is realy like and where he is going to be for a while. -
Being in isolation for the first time in a 5X9 pit
For beating this man up a couple gaurds grabbed him and put him in an isolation cell for about a week in 110 degree weather with barley any food and water -
Baca later finds out for assulting a gaurd he will now have to serve 30 days straight in an isolation cell
For assulting and almost killing a gaurd Baca is put in an isolation cell for a month and goes back to his memories of estancia and his childhood but his memories become too real for him to bear. -
Just being released out of isolation after not seeing light for 30 days Baca heads down to the wardens office ecorted by some gaurds
While speaking to the warden he tries to break Baca but he is resiliante and refuses to break then his court appearence is set up and goes very badly being denied an education he feels helpless and finally decides to stop working -
The warden sends Baca to the dungeon and he receives a random letter
While in the dungeon Baca recieves a letter from a man named henry and they start sending letters back and fourth so Baca can express his deepest emotions and thoughts. -
Boxer and Baca conflict over a cell
Boxer another inmate says he needs to stay in Bacas cell for a night but Baca refuses and Boxer go in anyways later claiming Baca has to get out he is filled with anger and Baca attacks Boxer with a solid punch breaking his cheekbone -
Baca receives another letter but this time from him tia Jesusita
His fathers sister send him a letter with his fathers adress and talk to Baca about what he has been doing so Baca can now write to him. -
Moving back to his old cell after the riot Baca finds an old frind on a minimum security courtyard
While moving back into CB1 Baca meet a new con named nick who he doesnt trust or really care about but they are in a cell together and while switching cells Baca sees Rick the person who snitched on Baca and envied his minimum security privleges also Baca has more out of body encounters and sees a nervous breakdown ahead