
  • Rafael Nadal Parera

    Rafael Nadal Parera
    Rafael Nadal Parera, better known as Rafa Nadal. He is a spanish professional tennis playes who noe occupies the second position in tje APT ranking
  • Rafael Nadal with 13

    Rafael Nadal with 13
    This is Rafael Nadal when he had our age.
    He had won lots of things
  • Period: to


    He was born the 3rd of July 1986. (Age 36)
    He was born in Monacor in Mallorca
  • When he started playing

    When he started playing
    Rafa Nadal started playing tenis with 5 years.
    He trained with his uncle.
  • His beggining

    His beggining
    Rafa made history by entering the APT at just 15 years and at 16, he became the youngest tennis player to win a match on the circuit. At 17, he played the Davis Cup, at 18 he won his first major tournaments and ar 19 Roland Garros, becoming number 2 in the world ranking
  • Trophies

    How many titles does Rafa Nadal has?
    He has 92 titles in total
  • Period: to


    He started wining championships and in may 2005 he was in the 10 best of the world.
    Nowadays Rafael nadal is the 2nd best in the world