He was the second man who gave birth to his mother, Ana Ruiz, of an offspring of eight in total, eleven months earlier, Manuel, the firstborn, companion of many passages in Antonio's life, and eventually poet and playwright ... Machado's mother's family had a confectionery in the Triana neighborhood, and the father, Antonio Machado Álvarez, was a lawyer, journalist and folklore researcher. -
Antonio Machado Ruiz,was born in Seville, on July 26,1875, was a Spanish poet, the youngest representative of the 98 generation. -
On February 4, 1893, his father died, due to a fulminating tuberculosis. He completed his studies. He made several trips to Paris, where he met Rubén Darío and worked a few months for the Garnier publishing house. In June 1899, Antonio Machado traveled to Paris, where his brother Manuel was already waiting for him. In the French capital they worked for the Garnier Publishing House. In Madrid it participates in the literary and theatrical world. In 1907 he obtained the chair of French in Soria. -
Period: to
In December 1907, when the pension in which Machado lived was closed, he moved to another, where he met Leonor Izquierdo and still barely a thirteen-year-old girl. And so, on July 30, 1909, the ceremony was held in the church of Santa María la Mayor de Soria. On August 1, 1912, he died of tuberculosis. -
The theater written by the Machado brothers is marked by its poetics and does not remain within the limits of the commercial theater of the moment. His plays are written and premiered between 1926 and 1932. They are Juan de Mañara (1927), Las adelfas (1928), La Lola goes to the ports (1929), Cousin Fernanda (1931) and The man who died in the war. In addition, the Machado brothers adapt for the scene comedies of Lope de Vega as The Dog in the Hortelano or La Niña de Plata. -
In June 1928, Pilar de Valderrama traveled alone to Segovia and, under the pretext of leaving a depression, however, the real objective of the trip was to start a chaste professional friendship with the poet. Pilar was married and mother of three children. Pilar was never in love with Machado as it seems to be deduced in his memoir, to insist on the platonic character of his relationship with the poet. , but without explaining why, he kept secret with so much zeal. -
He died on February 22, 1939, in Colliure, France, at age 63. He died in exile in the agony of the Second Spanish Republic.