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Antiguo Régimen
El Antiguo Régimen era el sistema político,social y económico que se caracteriza por la monarquía absoluta y la injusticia que pasaba el tercer estado(campesinos,artesanos,carpinteros...) -
Declaración de Derechos
Esta declaración indicaba que el monarca no podía aprobar leyes,crear impuestos nuevos sin que el Parlamento lo aprobara. -
Montesquieu was a French judge and political philosopher.His most famous work was "The Spirit of Laws",which was received in both Great Britain and the American colonies.His theory of Separation of Powers,which was included in his famous book,was implemented in many constitutions. -
Voltaire was a French historian,writer and philosopher.He was a strong supporter of the freedom of expression and rejected fanaticism and intolerance.He attacked the Christianity as a whole and he wanted the separation of church and state.His famous work is "Treatise on Tolerance"in which he calls for tolerance between religions. -
Rousseau was a Genevan philosopher,writer and composer.One of his most famous works is "The Social Contract" which he theorized about the best way to establish a political community against the problems of commercial society.He also defended the idea that sovereignty should be in people's hands. -
Adam Smith
Adam Smith was a Scottish philosopher and author.He is famous because of his two works,The Theory of Moral Sentiments and An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.He also argued against the regulations of trade and defended a free-market economy. -
George Washington
George Washington was the first President of the United States and one of the Founding Fathers.He was helped by France and Spain to become indepent from Great Britain.He led his army to victory after the Saratoga and Yorktown battles. -
James Watt
James Watt was a Scottish inventor and chemist.He improved on Thomas Newcomen's invention (Steam engine),with his Watt steam engine, which brought changes to the Industrial Revolution.His invention worked with steam ,as it name says, and it reduced on fuel costs compared to earlier designs.He also developed of horsepower, and the SI unit of power (watt). -
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States and another American Founding Father.He was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence and he wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights in 1776,where it enunciates the national sovereignty,the sparation of powers and suffrage.He also motivated American colonies to break from Great Britain. -
Despotismo ilustrado
El despotismo ilustrado fue un sistema político el cual aplicaron varios monarcas,como Carlos III de España.Este sistema político seguía utilizando las bases del Antiguo Régimen, por ejemplo el poder absoluto,pero se aplicaron algunas ideas ilustradas. -
Fue creada por Denis Diderot y Jean d'Alembert.El propósito de esta enciclopedia era reunir y difundir las ideas ilustradas por Europa y América. -
Louis XVI of France
Louis XVI was the last king of France before the French Revolution.He supported the American colonies to independence from Great Britain.He tried to reign his country,but with the poverty and the privileged estates that didn't want to pay taxes, he lost supports between the popular groups.Years laters,he was found guilty of treason and executes at the guillotine. -
Robespierre was a French lawyer and politician,and one of the best known and influential figures associated with the French Revolution.He was the leader of the jacobins and when he reigned he introduced a dictatorship.This dictatorship was that anyone who was against the Republic, he would be judged and executed in a guillotine. -
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La Primera Revolución Industrial
En esta etapa, se crearon diferentes inventos como la máquina de vapor, la locomotora de vapor,las hiladoras mecánicas etc. las cuales se crearon en Gran Bretaña, la potencia más importante en esta etapa.También la industria textil y la industria siderúrgica tuvieron gran importancia.La comunicación de un sitio a otro se redujo el tiempo de travesía gracias a la locomotora de vapor y los barcos propulsados por vapor.La población incrementó por el descenso de la mortalidad. -
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La Ilustración
También conocido como el Siglo de las Luces,fue un movimiento cultural e intelectual europeo que cuestionó los principios del Antiguo Régimen.Este defendía el uso de la razón. -
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte was a Corsican statesman and military leader.He invaded differnt europeans countries, creating the Napoleonic Empire.He was proclaimed consul in 1799 and consul for life in 1802.He won many wars like the Austerlitz and Jena battle,but years later he was defeated by a coalition and exiled to an island in 1814. -
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La guerra de la Independencia
Estos 8 años fueron los decisivos para que las Trece Colonias se independizaran de Gran Bretaña.Estas fueron ayudadas por España y Francia y lideradas por George Washington para que ganaran las batallas de Saratoga y Yorktown.Esta etapa finalizó con la Paz de Versalles. -
La Declaración de Independencia de Estados Unidos
Es un documento en el cual se proclamó que las Treces Colonias, que eran parte de Gran Bretaña, cansados de las injusticias que pasaban,como pagar impuestos y no estar representado en el Parlamento Británico, se autodefinieron como trece nuevos Estados soberanos e independientes. -
George Stephenson
George Stephenson was an English civil and mechanical enginneer. Stepherson was the creator of the rail transport which was one of the most important technological inventions of the 19th century and a key component of the Industrial Revolution. He also built the first oublic inter-city railway line in the world to use locomotives,which was opened on 1830. -
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La Revolución francesa
Esta comenzó con el asalto a la Bastilla la cual fue tomada por los parisinos.En las zonas rurales,los campesinos atacaron los castillos de los nobles.Esta revuelta es conocida como «el gran miedo».La contienda terminó con la aprobación de la Constitución de 1795 o del año III,en la cual se reconocía la soberanía nacional,el sufragio censitario y la separación de poderes -
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was an American statesman and lawyer.He was the 16th president of the United States.He led the United States through the American Civil War.He preserved the Union, abolished slavery, stregthened the federal goverment and modernized the economy. -
Pierre Joseph Proudhon
Pierre Joseph Proudhon was a French politician and thefounder of mutualist philosophy.He was the first person to declare himself anarchist.He was even considered to be the "father of anarchism" and he became a member of the French Parliament,whereafter he considered himself as a federalist. -
Mikhail Bakunin
Mikhail Bakuninwas a Russian revolutionary anarchist and founder of collectivist anarchism. He is one of the most influential figures of anarchism and one of the principal founders of the social anarchist tradition.He was propagator of anarchism, that was a political philosophy which advocates self-governed societies based on voluntary institutions. -
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El Congreso de Viena
En Viena, tras la caída del Imperio Napoleónico,las potencias europeas se reunieron para establecer una serie de puntos:
Francia volvió a las fronteras anteriores de la Revolución.
Se crearon dos Estados-tapón en torno a Francia.
Rusia,Prusia y Austria se repartieron territorios equilibradamente.
Pero creó nuevos problemas como las falsas uniones de Noruega y Suecia. -
Karl Marx
Karl Marx was a German philosopher, economist, historian and socialist revolutionary.He published The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital, anticapitalist works that form the basis of Marxism.Karl proposed to undertake a revolution to destroy capitalism and give power to workers with the Marxism. -
Friedrich Engels
Friedrich Engels was a German philosopher, communist and businessman.He founded the Marxit theory with Karl Marx,that was based on personal observations.Later, Engels supported Marx finnancially to do a research and write Das Kapital.He believed in the Communist Manifesto which was the belief that the basis of all history and social conflict is the struggle between classes. -
Thomas Alva Edison
Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor and businessman, who has proclaimed as America's greatest inventor.Here are some of his inventions: the phonograph, electric power generation, mass communication and electric light bulb.The phonograph and the electric light bulb had a spread-out impact on the modern industrialized world. -
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La unificación italiana
Comenzó con el logro de que Francia apoyara las demandas italianas a cambio de que le cediera Saboya y Niza.Y gracias a esto consiguieron Lombardía. Un año después, el sur de Italia se vinculó a Piamonte con la expedición de los «camisas rojas».Se apoderaron de Venecia con el apoyo a Prusia y terminó con el aprovechamiento de la retirada de los franceses ocupando así Roma. -
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La unificación de Alemania
Comenzó gracias a Bismarck y Gullermo I,que acelelaron este proceso.En 1864, un problema que sucesorio en Dinamarca permitió invadir y anexionarse los territorios con mayoría de población alemana.En 1866-1869,Prusia se enfrentó a Austria y consiguió la creación de la Confederación de la Alemania del Norte. En1870 -1871,Bismarck firmó una alianza con los Estados alemanes del sur,lo cual llamó la atención a Francia.En consecuencia de la derrota de Francia se anexionaron Alsacia y Lorena. -
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La Segunda Revolución Industrial
En esta etapa, se desarrollaron nuevas fuentes de energía como la electricidad y el petróleo, y la industria siderúrgica,química y eléctrica tomaron un papel importante.Gracias al telégrafo, se redujo el tiempo de mandar un mensaje de un sitio a otro.Gran Bretaña fue sustituida por dos nuevas potencias, Estados Unidos y Alemania.Se desarrollaron nuevos transportes como el tranvía,el metro,el ferrocarril eléctrico y el autómovil,a parte del primer avión.