Drop 1

Andrew W

By jrestre
  • Drew Houston

    Drew Houston
    He was born in Acton-MMassachusetts
  • Education

    He was in Acton-Boxborough Regional High School. Then he studied computer science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MTI), in that place he met to Arash Ferdowsi, co-founder of Dropbox.
  • Creation

    In that year, he founded Dropbox, because he was worried and tired about the internet and heavy files which were difficult to share. He also got investments from a company and that pushed the new company
  • Users

    In April 2009, Dropbox reached one million users. Drew decided to take the application to new formats like a iPhone, Android, and iPad.
  • Language

    Since that year Dropbox is not only available in English, but is available in Spanish, German, Japanese and French
  • Present

    He has been nominated as one of the principal business promes by Business Week.
  • Present

    The two creators of Dropbox have been recognized internationally because they are so smart. However, the principal creator of Dropbox was Drew