Ancient Islam

  • Jan 1, 600

    The rise of Islam

    The rise of Islam
    The economic importance of the Arabian peninsula began to increase, causing relations between the Bedouins of the desert and the increasingly wealthy merchant class of the town began to become strained.
  • Jan 1, 610

    Muhammad at the beginning

    Muhammad at the beginning
    Muhammad set out to preach in Mecca in order to spread the revelations that had been given when he encountered the angel Gabriel, he was Allah’s prohphet. In later years, his revelations were eventually written down in the Qur’an, the holy scriptures of Islam. In 622, Muhammad and some of his closest supporters left the city and retreated the Yathrib, the rival city of Mecca.
  • Jun 8, 632

    Muhammad's death

    Muhammad's death
    Muhammad died in 632, but Islam was just being born and spreading throughout the peninsula. Two years before, he had declared Ka’aba the sacred shrine of Islam and the idols of the traditional faith were destructed by Muhammad. However, the death of Muhammad did create a dilemma, Muhammad had never named a successor for after his death and he had no sons. His closest followers soon selected Abu Bakr as their successor
  • Jan 1, 640

    Syria Fell

    Syria Fell
    Raids were not carried out as a means to convert others because people were ment to voluntarily convert The Byzantines and Persians were the first to feel the pressure of Arab raids. Syria fell in 640 after the Byzantine army had been weakened.
  • Jan 1, 650

    The Arabs Conquer

    he newly united Arabs were no longer fighting against each other, they were now directing their energy to neighboring cities to conquer. By 650, the Muslims had taken possession of Syria and conquered the empire of the Sassanids.
  • Jan 1, 651


    Muhuammad was believed to be god's prophet. He spread the revelations from angel Gabriel long before the Qu'ran, but they were not writtend down until 651 in the Qur'an and told all Arabs to submit to God's will. IThe meaning of Islam is "submission to the will of God."
  • Jan 1, 661

    The Beginning of the Umayyads

    The Beginning of the Umayyads
    Not everyone had agreed with the selection of Abu Bakr, and Ali as the alternative leader, but they passed the job to Umar when Abu Bakr died instead. Umar’s successor was then Uthman, Uthman was assassinated in 656, and Ali was finally selected for the position. This created a factional struggle within the Muslim leadership. Ali was assassinated in 661, leaving Mu’awiya as his successor, Mu’awiya claimed his family into the caliphate class from birth until death, they were called the Umayyads.
  • Jan 1, 725

    Muslims Vs. Byzantines

    The Muslims were in charge of most of the Iberian peninsula by this time, and Andalusia was the center. They did not, however, gain Constantinople, the Byzantines destroyed the Muslim fleet when they tried to destroy their empire. This created an uneasy frontier in Asia Minor between the Islamic and Byzantine empire.
  • Jan 1, 750

    The Fall of the Umayyads

    The Fall of the Umayyads
    The Umayyad rule was creating resentment all throughout the empire, and somebody had to take them out. The overthrow of the Umayyads fcame when a revolt was led by the Abu al-Abbas overthrew the Umayyads which established the Abbasid dynasty in what is now Iraq.
  • Period: Jan 1, 750 to Jan 1, 1258

    Abbasid Dynasty

  • Jan 1, 762


    The Abbasids built a new capital city at Baghdad in order to take advantage of traffic to the persian Gulf and also lay astride the caravan route from the Mediterranean to Central Asia.
  • Period: to


    This was the golden age of the Abbasid Caliphs. Harun al-Rashid was an ideal ruler for the Haruns. However, his death caused a rivalry between his two sons named Amin and al-Ma'mun, and civil war broke out and Bahgdad was destructed.
  • Period: to

    The Rule of al-Ma'mun

    al-Ma’mun was a patron of learning, The period during his rule was a lot like when his father ruled, it was a period of growing economic prosperity. He ruled until his death.