Ancient Greek

  • 776 BCE

    The Greek Olympics

    The Greek Olympics
    It was originally a festival for Zeus. Some of the advents were javelin,running,wresting,and horseback riding
  • 485 BCE


    He was also part of the Big Four. He produced 80-90 plays, but received less awards. He was very popular with Athenian audiences.
  • 485 BCE


    Produced 80-90 plays but received less awards. Very popular with Athenian audiences.
  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Thermopylae

    Battle of Thermopylae
    Led by king Leonidas. His troops showed great courage. All of the 300 Spartans died defending the pass.
  • 474 BCE


    Wrote a play about the Persian Wars. He wrote the famous trilogy, The Oresteia. Wrote more than 80 plays but only 7 survive today.
  • 469 BCE


    Socrates was a famous philosopher known for the Socratic method which is a question-asking method used to make people find it out on there own. Socrates was arrested for corrupting the young men of Athens. He was sentenced to death by drinking hemlock which is a type of poison
  • 445 BCE


    He was part of the Big Four. In his plays he made fun of statesmen.
  • 431 BCE

    Peloponnesian War

    Peloponnesian War
    War between Athens and the Peloponnesian league that lasted for 25 years.
  • 387 BCE


    He was a student of Socrates. He did not believe in democracy because he thought it gave power to people who did not understand justice. He thought philosophers should play a central role in society because they alone understand truth and justice. He started a school called The Academy.
  • 384 BCE


    He was the student of Plato. He started a school after leaving Plato's school called The Lyceum. Aristotle believed that there was always more than one way to explain things.
  • 460


    Known as the Father of Medicine. He was first to notice weather, drinking water and location can impact health.
  • 479

    The Golden Age of Athens

    The Golden Age of Athens
    It produced some of the greatest artists of cultural history ever known.